That I have not yet been stuck blind, but I am very cautious.
You are too close?
That i am not illiterate .
My internet connection is working :p
I paid attention in reading class.
I'm at least a little intelligent
I'm literate - I can read English language questions... Therefore, I had a decent education in English.
That I can read.....Well, not really, I could of had someone else read it. That I can see......Well, not really, I could be using a computer for the blind. Ahhh I know, that Answer Bag is working correctly. =)
That I can see, that I learned how to read, and that I have a working computer.
That we are all going to die!!!! AHHHH AHHHHHH !!!!!!!!! No seriously, we are.
When it comes to reading I'm at least a C+.
That we all have nothing better to do at the moment!
That both you and I are at least moderately literate.
that im not drunk enough yet. ah well, two more tequilas should do the job =)
My computer's working.
A need for validation.
that i'm not as think as you drunk i am
That I have my reading glasses on.
Dat ii wehnt too skewl.
That I exist, learned how to read, and am somewhat literate! :)
That I am literate.
It tells quite a lot about me. 1. I am literate 2. I have at least a basic grasp of English 3. I am in the 10-15% of the worlds population that owns a computer and has access to the internet 4. I was once bored enough to commit myself to using answerbag 5. I am not blind
It proves nothing.
I have my glasses on!
That I am an intelligent being. :)
that you are actually one of the very few people on here that can make a complete sentence and make it understandable? LOL
Umm..that I can :)
i agree with the last one. it also proves that i can do that
That this is avery strange question...=).
It proves that you cannot think of any decent QUESTIONS
"If you can read this, thank a teacher". Thank you teachers!
That I know how to read. That I have access to a computer. That I'm on a website called answer bag. That I'm not blind. x)
Because you were able to post that, what does that prove?
Able to read English?
that i can read
English literacy in reading.
Sorry old friend .. but, It proves that the new AB is still recycling ancient questions from the old AB. and posting them as if they were recent.
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