Yes you can easily reach under your Bed and clean the floor.
Short girls are easier to carry.
yes im short, and i always say i was made that way because im scared of hieghts. seriously though we can fit places tall people cant.
Beautiful things come in small packages:-)
Yes! Remaining comfortable flying "coach"! ;-)
Lotsa guys *love* "spinners", eh? ;-)
Only three types of shortage are bad: Those of,health, yesss health, money and IQ!
I prefer short girls, so you are in luck.
you dont have to bend over to pick things up off the floor you dont have to duck when people are shooting at you you can buy clothes cheaper at baby gap you can park in handicap spots and claim to be a dwarf you can trick or treat your whole life you can pay child prices at the theater
Short people, like you and I, are more ecologically friendly (consume fewer resources).
I prefer the word "petite". I am currently 5' 6"..when I was in school I was always one of the taller girls..I envied the gals who were petite..they were more graceful in my eyes, more feminine and somehow cuter/sweeter/nicer.. I'll betcha others think you're adorable! Happy Thursday! :)
You don't get asked to reach up and get things for other people all the time. Clothes aren't too short for you (you can make pants shorter but you can't make them longer) People don't ask you to move so they can see over you. You're closer to the floor so it doesn't hurt as much when you fall down. You look younger. You can wear really high heels and not be taller than your husband. You don't have guys talking to your boobs. Sorry, I get a little slap-happy when I'm tired.
Crowded Elevators have a different smell when your short!
Linda Joy
Are you suggesting the smell of ass is somehow better than bad breath? Lol
You can get though smaller spaces than taller people. If a nuclear bomb was about to go off, and you had to crawl through a small tunnel to disable it, you'd save the world, not the taller people :) Yes, I am feeling a bit random today.
You can wear tall heals without being taller then your date.
Being a fellow 'vertically challenged' member of society I find that the advantages are... - Being able to weave through the crowds in a bar an get to the front of the queue without anyone realising. - Never having trousers flapping around your ankles. - Being able to wear high heels without looking like a baby giraffe, taking its first steps. - Batting your eyelids to get a cute, tall man to get something for you (this is best avoided for toilet paper and cat litter...) - Being able to curl up quite confortably in an armchair.
My two sons are like Mutt and Jeff. The older one is from my ex-wife's first marriage and is only 5'1". The younger one is my biological son and is 6'4". When they were younger, they use to wrestle each other a lot. The older one always won. Later, he was Number 2 in the entire State of North Carolina in his weight class his senior year in high school. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. : ))
Its easier to lose a stalker in a croud.
Yeah, when you drop stuff you don't have to reach as far to pick them up!!
How tall are ya?
I am a short woman too so dont feel bad, I dont know of any benefit of being short yet.
It's a distinct advantage out here in quake country. If a quake hits, you can just run under a desk instead having to crawl or dive under it. ;) Sorry about that one, Cyndi. Geez, I'm such a jerk but I love PI humor. :p My wife is also 5'2" so she can be your surrogate for my punishment. ;) You have such an Enquiring mind, my sleigh-guiding friend. ;)
Well I'm pretty short too and one advantage is that you can date any guy and never have to worry about being taller than him!
Being short is 1,000 times better than being tall bacause I am 5'8" and hate being tall!
i heard that a peson who was really really tall died, cos his blood couldnt circulate around his body properly.... well i m still small and i like it. i can hide in the tiniest spaces ever and i can run quickly. I think there are more benefits being small than tall
im 5ft 1 and a half (the half being very important) well i think people look after me more for being short, plus i dont hit my head off things me taller friends do lol!
short people have a better sense of balance and make for better dancers (ballet especially).
people don't expect you to be able to run fast!!!! :P haha:) well, i think that's good anyway :) [im short too] ;)
I don't know. I'm average. But if I had the choice, tall or short, I'd rather be short.
Yes, actually there is. Shorter people are better in acrobatics and generally in sports which require balance ( including martial arts ). That's because your body weight is more concentrated so you can get better balance.
You can wear heels and not feel like a giant :)
yes... some guys like short girls :)
If you faint, you don't have as far to fall before you hit the floor.
its better to find loose change and etc on the ground
Yes. Masses. You can find clothes and shoes to fit you. You can fit into cars and airplanes without a squash. You have better coordination. You can become a dancer if you want to. At school adults tend to look on you a sweet and young and whereas a tall child is always expected to behave older that his age. Need I go on. Tall people have it tough, even if they can reach into cupboards. It is a small advantage for the big price they have to pay.
If I can't see the dust on the top of my fridge, I don't feel like I have to remove it. Now that I am older, I really am a 'little old lady' and can really work on the sympathy vote.
If you trip, you don't have that far to fall.
Yeah, for like anything, it is all about how you look at it. Since you are short, you get to delegate others to get things for you. It is called a Napoleon complex. :)
I Feel Da Same Wayy Dont Feel Bad Girl Im 4.4 Im In 10th Grade
It can be really annoying being short.Every day i have to live in a world that is better suited for a taller person.I was last measured at 4'9 so way below the average height of an adult.At work i have a chair that is suitable for me it is a customised one and fully adaptable.I also have stools so i can reach the high files.I only have problems if they are too heavy and there are always plenty of people to help me.I have cupboards in the kitchen lowered to accommodate me.Okay it has cost me a bomb in doing so.I find shopping a nightmare and especially clothes shopping.
Much more comfortable in airline seats - especially on economy airlines.
It's easier to pick things up off the floor
You never said just how tall you are, so we can't really give an accurate response (depends on what you think is a "short" height). Most of the people answering seem to be making fun than help. Short women don't have to deal with the "problem" of being short as compaired to men of short stature. Most tall people (6'+) are at greater risk to joint problems later on in life than those of lesser hights; that's one benifit I know of
You can still climb out windows for years yet :) (Although this may seem useless i've found it can come in handy in the most bizzare situations!!)
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