In VA.... they are all just the ABC store.
9th Street Liquors (they're real creative around here)
Coggers Newsagents
"Come and Get It". Always wondered if they were selling more than liquor.
ABC. (Cocoa Beach, Fl.)
There are two that are exactly the same distance from me. One is after the name of the street it's on and the other one is after the family that lived in this area about a 100 years ago. If I tell you either one you might be able to find me so I will have to pass on the details. Sorry.
WA State liquor store
B.W.S. Beer, Wine & Spirits.
NH state liquor store beer and wine at the local Hannaford's
It's called Penn Station (because it's on Pennsylvania Street).
Vons Grocery Store.
le dépanneur round the corner from me. Or the SA Q (Société d'Alcool du Québec) which is a little further.
ABC. (Largo, Fl.)
Big Daddys!
Hasty's Liquor Store
MAN this is a good question because as much as I frequent the place I couldn't even take a guess what the name of the place is!
partyville! i think it's appropriate.
Alcorns Liquor.
21st Amendment
The LCBO. (Liquor Control Board Ontario). They are all named the same thing here.
Alaskan value liquor
Super Liquor.
Marquis wines
J&J's. It is a drive through place right up the street.
The L.C.B.O. The only place we can buy liquor here.
Muckleshoot. (That is the name of the closest Indian reservation.)
Idaho Liquor Store. Something like that.
Ask my dad
Marina Liquor.
the co-op they sell lots of other stuff as well though
Cherrywood liquor.
The Liquor Locker
I don't know. Have I passed the test?
"state liquor store"
Booze Brothers
Crosspointe Liquors, one mile away. I rarely buy anything from there.
Dale's Ale's
Village Liquor Store :-)
Since I don't patronize liquor stores, I had to look it up in the phone book. It's Del's Wine & Spirits it's a little over 2 miles away. The next closest is B&M Wines & Liquor, Inc, over 3 miles away.
Fisher's Liquor Barn
ABC- They are all called ABC liquor stores in Virginia.
Couche Tard, Maxi, IGA, Ultramar...this is Québec, they sell alcohol everywhere, in all the convenience stores five minutes away from where I live. If I want more choice though, there's a specialised liquor store called SAQ about ten minutes away from here.
ABC liquor
brocks liquor
Here in québec every corner store they sell alcohol... :):) and we only have one kind of hard liquor store.... over 20%,,, SAQ.
ABC liquor store & Walgreen's liquor store are both equally @ the same distance from us.
Poncho's liquor town
are you trying to stalk me ?! (laurel park liquor)
Memories Lounge, also a bar...
NSLC ..The Nova Scotia Liquor Comission
ABC Liquor
Liquor Store.....That's the name.
Oxford spirits :)
andys liquor store thats the guys name i dont know the name of the store ....
Molloys :)
bourbon street
Mazda Wines.
Bottle and Basket
Jerry's Drive-Thru. And if you want cheap Tecate, this is the place, Vato.
its called bonfaire. its just one of many chain liquor stores in the bay area. the one we have is cleaner than other inner city stores. plus it doesnt attract undesirables from other poor sections
The Red Barn Liquor Store. They moved their location last year. Now they a little further down the road on Florentine Rd., about 15 minutes (walking) where I live.
Wal Mart
victoria wines
Campus wine cellar
Bottles & LiquorMart are five minutes walk each. Can you tell I live in a college town?
Cheaper Liquor
Paura's (pronounced "pour a")
Victoria Wines, though my favourite is a chain I've seen called Bargain Booze, which is straight to the point, no messing.
Victoria wine, probably.
Walgreens. The walgreens in West Memphis, AR has a big liquior store inside; over 2000 sq feet. You can buy almost anything there and it's all cheaper than anywhere I've been in the country. Pick up a prescription and a bottle of Jack in the same place. Wonderful.
Chazz #2
Well, since I am in the big sandbox right now...there is no liquor store near by :(
The most original name..."Liquor Shack"
Its called, "that one with the prostitute outside and that shady looking guy with a trench coat"
The One Stop Smoke Shop in Herrin IL, the reason for the name is they also sell top of the line cigars and cigarettes and roll your own products.
S.A.Q. Le Société de l'Alcool du Québec
Gator Beverage. There's alot close to campus. But I think that's the closest.
Liquor & Wine. WA state liquor stores don't have names.
The next door neighbor's house.
Publix. If that's not good enough, then ABC Liquors is across the street and down the block.
All of the liquor stores in Pa are owned by the state and calles state stores
The ABC store. In NC all the Liquor stores are county run. The profits go to the schools.
Union Jack Liquors...and they know me by name, also! DOH!
Le Portail des Bières. (The Beer Portal.) Or maybe the SAQ. Depends how hot it is out.
I don't know and I don't want to know! I stopped drinking and got my life back.
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