Ok. That is NOT funny. Who took it????
Linda Joy
I stole 'em! Catch me if you can!
black and pink yes i am right
Yes i was right pink and white striped ones:-)
Pink boy shorts..of course Im right.
Mostly while with just a hint of tan in certain locations.
of course i was right, yeah!
Mines easy enough... if you consider "plaid" a color.
blue! I always remember what colour my underwear is.
Not wearing any. Yes, I am right. Thanks for asking. lol
im not wearing it was easy!!
Erm. Red? Well, yeah.
Gray yo... Yup:)
Never touch the stuff. Commando all the way....
pink and white ...I dont gotta check I remember :)
It's olive green. I just got back from the bathroom. I had to put out such a fire.
Blue, and awwwwyea I was right. Though, I do like this question. It seems innocent until you realize that you just made a bunch of people look at their underwear. Some of us are in public places.
What underwear?
It's teal and have a big walrus on the butt. I'm not kidding.
Blue boxer briefs and yep I was right....this time.
Sort of flesh colored, lol! Yup! Nothing there!
Birthday suit coloured!! I'm in me 'jammies!! lol :P
blue with little monkeys on them....*looks* I was right!
Yep - no panties on!
yeah that was an easy one cuz I'm not wearing I knew automatically that they were clear ;)
I didn't even need to look, since all of mine are gray. Well, all except the ones I wear on ... special occasions. Heh!
dont have any on at the moment so I guess flesh toned:)
Mine are blue at the moment. It may change..
i dont know im not wearing any lol
White. I know I'm right coz that's what I always wear.
White with brown stripes. Just kidding. Light blue
lol there white, I was right
Black. I looked at the color before I decided to wear them.
I thought I had black on turns out I wasn't even wearing any 😂 Your actually a life saver and just stopped me from going commando to the shops.
I know what color I have, but they're in the drawer. I wear them to dr appointments even just for a shot, because you never know when they're going to want you to strip down and sit on something everyone else's butt has touched, and its usually sticky from the disinfectant.
Not wearing any.
Yep! Not wearing any!
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