Wow, that HAD to hurt! lol.
If it makes you happy, go for it.
Show Me.
What would I say? You getting your nipples pierced is fine by me :) I'd think it'd bloody hurt though...
I would say Goodluck i have heard it Hurts :) When are you going to have it done?
Here comes the pain! This might pinch a bit....
Probably not a good idea but it is up to you.
I wouldn't say anything...I'd just titter...
Probably going to hurt like hell, but i don't know might be worth it...
On a dude, it's just one more liability if you get in a fight. On a chix0r, it desensitizes the nipple which to me is sad :(
Cool. Enjoy.
Ouch! Good luck : )
Hope you still like them 5 years from now.
i'd ask you why.
tell me how it feels I've been contemplating it
it really doesnt hurt that much. a bit uncomfortable at first. but the pain is gone in 5 minutes. i think they look great :) and i still have all feeling in my nipple. lol >.< so good luck :)
Keep it clean until it heals.
(Shriek of horror): "Nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ... "
Whatever turns your crank. If you don't like them you can always take them out.
Id Probubly tell you there awsome.. then show you mine. lol
ok have fun
id say - cool, i have mine done so lemme know if you have any questions. and enjoy, theyre fun.
i think they are kinda strange.
Ouchhhhhh! But very Cool!!!
EW THATS DISGUSTING. not to be offensive but that kinda thing grosses me out.
I probably wouldn't say anything to you, I don't know you. But hey, more power to ya if it's what you want.
Nothing, because I wouldn't know unless you told me or showed me... and if you showed me... then I'd still be speechless.
I'd only care if you were female... then I'd want to watch the piercing process... that would be fun.
My friend is getting those done this weekend. I told him to please not do it himself. :P
did those hurt?
did it hurt?
If your female I would say "let me see" ,If you are male I wouldn't say any thing.
If you are female, do you plan to show them to airport security. And, yea, will you do the same if you are male?
Do it. It is very erotic and heightens the sensitivity of the nipple.
Can I see um?
Well, if we were friends, I would ask you all about your experiance and compare it with mine. lol
I would ask if it hurt...I know a friend in highschool who did his on his own and said it hurt like hell.
"did it hurt much?" :)
erm... yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm an more sensitivity i have both mine done an it sounds weird but it hurts less wen i get a nipple cripple might just be me tho lol :)
I'd say don't do it...
I would say good for you, I love having mine pierced.
Id say get two piercers and do them both at the same tyme. Id also say get a least a 12g. I prefer 10g's.
Have you thought it through. If so, have at it.
Good for you,but I'm not going to help you cut holes in all your shirts just so you can show them off!You and your holey hooters are on your own ;)
Depends... Are you a guy or a girl? Not a bad thing, just would help me help you out a little easier.
If done correctly it heightens sensitivity. Do it for yourself and not for others.
I wouldn't say anything, I'd just rip them out. I think they're extremely unattractive on anyone. :D
They HURT!!! but i found instead of taking feeling away, they add feeling. here are a couple of suggestions that I found out the hard way: 1. do not do in winter 2. be careful with how you sleep: i had bars in mine they really never got caught on things but my friend had hoops and she caught on everything
I wouldn't even know...unless you go around semi-naked!!!
I would say don't sleep without a shirt on if you have a cat. I've seen what happens...and it doesn't look pleasant
good luck with the AIDs
ohh baybay i love you after you do ur taking me to get my genitals(vagina) pierced
I would say Fabulous. I am a female, and both of mine done in one hot. and they are fantasticc. I was able to cum with out even touching them as the pressure was a bit as they were just done. you aren't supsoe to tugg on them for a month. MY man enjoys to tug on my nipples on durring forplay and sex and is annoyed that he can't for a moth and is so dispointed. So I think for my expience they are just so hot. so go for it
How do they taste?
Cool, let me see.
Can I have a look?
Quit being a follower. Go do something original.
"Go ahead with your kinky ass!"
It's your body. Do whatever you want!
Ok speaking from experience, pierced nipples don't make them any less sensitive. If anything they are more sensitive now while being played with. And for guys, I wouldn't necessarily say its extra hot or anything but piercings in general are sexy. It all just depends on how you present yourself with them. Honestly, I have gotten mine done twice because I cant live without them. I had to take them out to get a chest xray and missed them so much i endured the pain yet again.
prove it
Had them for about 2 yrs, the only warning i'll give you is that I have had them out for about 5 years and they still bleed so easily...
why don't you start with clip on's?
pain do not do in in the winter or summer, do it in fall or spring
Why would you want to pierce beautiful things?
Wow! I bet that hurt!
can I give you a titty twister???
Hey, your face looks different today.
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