Trip to looney bin...I'm about do...
I would much rather go to London. I've been to Paris and what I remember of it it was a very dirty town. I'm sure it has changed in the last 20+ years, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. The trash in the streets was nothing like I'd ever seen or seen since.
I just love the energy and romance of Paris. I have been fortunate enough to go there a couple of times in my life for vacation. I love Paris in the springtime. I love Paris in the fall. I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles, I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles(Actually I hear it is kind of smelly then).
Paris because I have already been to london.
London, I wasn't really impressed with Paris. It doesn't live up to "the city of love" that I had always imagined! haha
I am going to London for the weekend and i do prefer London to Paris.
Paris because it's closer to the Italian Alps where I really want to go.
Paris. I have always wanted to go there.
I would choose Paris. I need to get to the Louvre.
These days with the approval rating of Americans in Paris I would to to London. Otherwise I would go to Paris for the wonderful food, the Louvre, and national monuments.
Paris. I've been to both twice and I would like to go back to gay parrie
Paris. I've been to London. :o)
I would opt for London as I have internet friends there that I would love to meet. Paris? Not so much.
I am going to be biased here and say London. But then I am from London and have friends and family there. If I were to choose between the two without seeing family then I would still choose London. The problem with Paris is the people. They are rude and arrogant and not willing to help foreigners out. Now while it is the same in London if you go off the tourist tracks, it is not as bad (except the crime rates) and on the tourist trails the people are, generally, very friendly and helpful.
Paris. I have never been there. I have been to London numerous times, but I miss that town. I wanna go back to the West End and see some plays. There are some museums there that I want to see too.
london or paris? thats like being given a choice between eating your own shit and your next door neighbours shit. cant stand the french and can stand southerners.
I've been to both, and they're both incredibly awesome cities. It's close to a coin-flip decision, but I'll go back to Paris.
I have lived in both,.. and although being Irish, love the decadence et La Vie Bourgeoisie Français. Les femmes, la vin, at les souriées toutes les nuits. Ahhhhhhhhh the rememberances.. I'd say France. Steve
London I guess.
London. My mother and grandparents were from England,and I have never seen all the places that they used to talk about. It would be nice to go with my Mum.
Been to both. I like the old time castle stuff in and around London, although Paris is beautiful. Mostly however, it's the people. The French are obnoxious. Almost forgot the best part of London...the pubs:)
There aren't many old time castles right around London. Go on over to Kent and you can't travel a mile in any direction without tripping over another old estate. -
I would choose Paris
Paris i think. I've heard some very bad things about London recently and it's kind of put me off...
Although I'm part french, I'm going to have to go with London! :)
I think I would choose London!
London. I have wanted to go to England since I was about 10 years old.
Why not both? Oh, money. Duh. I'll take London, then. I'll see Paris next time.
LONDON!!! paris is sooooo overrated!!!
Well, I have the same problum-o, (With other locations in each) taking away the other locations (for Paris it's Barcelona, Rome, Pisa and Florence. and for London it's Dublin and Wales) I still think I would choose Paris. Mostly because visiting a county with a diffrent langauge is fun and exciting to see signs for movies and other attrations that you may see in English in the U.S. but also because Paris has things to see, places to go, food to eat; that are all unique to Paris and France alone. London is still a must-see but; It is not as exciting. It is an adventure all alone but; there is no Eiffel Tower, there is no Louvre, there is no culture change; for the most part. but, that is my own opinion. You know what you may enjoy more. Think to your self, "okay i well go to _____" and if you feel disappointed, you know it is wrong! GOOD LUCK! I hope you have a nice and safe trip : - )
Believe it or not, I didn't find much food in Paris to say "WOW" over, nor in London, but the latter is to be expected: what was the last restaurant you visited for its authentic British cuisine?
Well, I'm abseloutly CRAZY about England, though I've never been there its always facinated me. But..Paris is Paris... So i dunno, probs London, at least I wouldn't have to use my bad French then!
London. I have been to both, and while Paris is really beautiful beyond the imagination, it is far too much like New York. London maintains some of its early traditions, and it is rather commonplace to see British history made real in the city itself.
Paris would treat me like an American so London
I have been to both and definitely believe that Paris is the most beautiful & romantic city in the world. The food and wine in France is without compare. London is a fabulous city too, but Paris has sidewalk bistros, the Louvre, and most importantly pain au chocolat! Oh I wish I were there now!
between paris and london i'd have to pick paris hands down.but truthfully if i was going to go to france i'd have to choose to go to the south of france.Paris gives you the big city feel and I rather experiences the day to day slower pace french culture feel.And the south of france is soooo beautiful!Plus i hear that french people are very nice except some in paris can be pretty rude.but french people are pretty great over all so i'd love to visit paris anyway :)
Paris. I've been to London so I would like to see another great city.
I've said elsewhere that I don't like Paris, so it would be London. What is it they say about New York? It's a great place to visit but you couldn't live there? I feel the same about London, but Paris isn't either
between those two...London, without heistattion
London, England ... not London, Ontario ... I have been to Paris, France, but never to England.
If you don't want to meet British people then i'd have to say London.
London please,been to France.Didnt like the snobbery.
id rather go to upstate ny
I've been to Paris many times, but I've never wanted to go to London. I hear the weather is terrible, and some English are snobs. With the recent Muslim invasion, I don't want to visit either place.
I never been to either. Whatever my better half would choose would be fine for me. I'm sure he knows which would suit us the best.
London any time, indislike froggies!
Is that London, Ontario, Canada or Paris, Texas, USA? I would rather go to London Ontario. I have been to both places.
I'm in London.......... so Paris.
not sure since ive never been to either one
for fun
Neither both seem to have been ruined in the last 20 years. NYC may be safer..
Trip to Paris. First i would find a French girlfriend and learn the romance language before going.
I hate tea & biscuits and the French already surrendered to the Germans. Alba gu brĂ th
Been to both...London
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