Is it just me? Why can't people make an extra key stroke and put an "h" in what?....very annoying.
In the early days of email shorthand, I vowed to maintain good writing habits as if I were writing a letter.
Good spelling and grammar. But I like to see that in everyone.
Ignoring the juvenile spelling and attempt at grammar, most guys would like to see their own penises in girls.
My husband says it is may butt. I don't see the attraction but he does.
body (butt, figure, boobs), smile, confidence
i have been told by my husband that ofcourse figure matters...but in addition to or aside from that is The Confidence....for him that's the turn on...i guess through out the day...he is so used to and tired of taking charge that when it comes to such...he'd rather i take charge....not complaining...i am ok with that.
My husband says it's what you don't see.
A beautiful smile and self confidence.
Personality so contagious with me. If you ever hang out with a anyone especially a girl with a great happy aura you will never see the world the same again.
To me more valuable than gold. So too one who can look deeply with gratitude the traits from being wounded.
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