Cherry ftw!
(Shudder) No.
Amazingly, no! Usually do, tho;)
Of course, I have a 3 year old. They are essential food.
Yes I do. Cinnamon,Bluberry and Cherry.
Blueberry... blech!
No. I wish I did.
no but I loved pop tarts as a kid.
No. Pop tarts may be OK for a snack (occasional food) but not for breakfast! Way too high in sugar and way too processed for me.
No, my country stocked them for about a year when I was 11, but now they are just a distant memory. And to be honest I didn't much like them.. they tasted too processed
Nope. Haven't eaten them since I read the Nutrition Facts....
Moving Violation
Excellent Feb.07.2022
Nope, those went out when the kids left.
....oh yeah! I forgot that I had some of those! Hey, thanks. :)
i have one in my hand right now silly. do i need to go inside to answer your question properly.
yep. it's the apple crumb kind or something. i'm not gonna eat it though :-x
G'day Quinn Fan, Thank you for your question. No. I've never tried them. Regards
- fact, I can't remember a time since I got married that I/we had Pop Tarts in the house. Fun fact: a friend of mine nearly burned her house down (large kitchen fire, had to move) with a Pop Tart...apparently one of her kids forgot he'd put one in the toaster and they left the got stuck when the toaster tried to pop up, so the toaster stayed on. Oops.
Absolutely! They are one of THE food groups, aren't they? LoL!
Yes, of course.
HEHE. Yep. Blueberry pop tarts. Chocolate ones too. Now you're making me hungry! Excuse me, I gotta raid the pantry now. Lol.
Pop Tarts...are they those things that you use to clean out your kitty litter box? ARGHHHHH
Moving Violation
Excellent Feb.07.2022
I just had a strawberry pop tart with my coffee today.
Nope, haven't had any in my house for probably 25 years. Since they changed them way back many years ago, I just don't like them anymore. I used to eat them as a kid in the 60s, though.
No, but I usually do.
Yep. Brown Sugar Cinnamon.
Yep. For the grand boys and grandpa.
No. It has been over thirty years since I last tasted a Pop Tart!
No, cos they don't make them in my country. In fact I've never had or seen one. I've heard of them in movies and stuff, and I always think the name is hilarious. Brings to mind Britney Spears for some reason....
No. I'm trying to cut down on sugary foods.
never have never will
Definitely not. I haven't had that faux food in about ten years and that's the way I like to keep it too.
No I don't. I want some cinnamon ones.
yes like 5 boxes!
I HAD poptarts in my house until yesterday...:P yummy
No, not even one.
I think we have half of one left in the back of the cupboard I wouldn't touch it though.
yes i do mmmm cherry and brown sugar ones mmmm
No those things are nasty! Feb.07.2022
No. It's probably been decades since I had a pop tart.
Yeah, Kyle Minologue, Sheela E and Donna Summer,.all hang out here from time to time. lol
Yup, the grandkids love them.
No. But only because I couldn't quit eating them yesterday! lol.
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