Given the opportunity, I probably would.
And face the prospect of prison? Pfft, No.
Nah...I love casinos and wouldn't want to be kicked out of any of them...
It's not as easy as they make it look in the movies. But I would not do it anyway, since I have a very loud and painful guilty consience. It won't let me get away with a thing!
No, I'd like to keep my hands.
If I was smart enough to? Probably. Unfortunately, I'm not so I'd get caught. There's no point in doing it if you know you'll get caught.
would i?? or have I?? and no its not easy
Yes. I did it once with ten of my friends. We built an exact duplicate of a casino vault and stole hundreds of millions of dollars.
Considering most casinos consider counting cards to be cheating, then my answer is yes. I have and I will continue to. But then again, I don't consider counting cards to be cheating.
No the security is stronger there than in a bank.
Pfft, thats all casinos ever do is cheat the people so YEAH, I would.
I wouldnt even know how to begin , so guess thats a no ! :)
hmmm? Good question. I work at a casino so I would have to say no - because I if I ever got caught it would disrupt my livelihood permanently. If I had some other job though I might. I love learning all the tricks and scams that occur in a casino, so I am sure I could get away with a few if I really wanted. Here are a few of my favorites: 1. Putting double sided tape on the bottom of a glass and asking someone with a large stack of high denomination chips if I may tap their chips for good luck. 2. Betting $105 (1 black chip + 1 red chip, slightly off center so that it looks like a $10 bet ((2 red chips)) dollars on first base on a blackjack table - and never taking a break card. If the dealer breaks, I would leave the original bet out and get paid, however, if my bet lost - I would quickly switch my original bet with just a $10 bet when the dealer went to take the bets from the other side of the table. This move is called the "Savannah" and is brilliantly described in the book "American Roulette" by Richard Markus. 3. Well....I'll let Derren Brown explain...
I really wouldn't want to.
It depends on your definition of cheating. I would count cards, but that's just being more educated about calculating the odds, so to me it's not really cheating. (Today they use too many decks and frequent shuffling to make a go of it anyway.) I don't think I could ever blatantly cheat though.
Absolutely, wouldn,t give it a second thought
THe casino's pockets are so deep, I wouldn't feel guilty. The only challenge is actually finding a way.
Before COVID started
If you are smart enough, you may be able to beat them without cheating.
No I'm not smart enough to get away with it, I'd get caught .,
....i dont go to them,but nope, im no thief
No. I'd probably never go to one. Wait! I hear they have good buffets. I might go for that.
No. And do not hope. It is impossible to cheat the casino.
17 july2022.oops
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