• Have you tried to find him a home where no children are present? Maybe an older adult, or single adult who can handle the agression? I think all options should be considered and explored before ever putting an animal down.
  • Your not wrong. This was a possible dangerous animal and you need to be safe now. Is your 12 year old dog OK?
  • Being a responsible pet owner means doing the RIGHT thing. If your dog attacked another dog unprovoked and is aggressive then you can't have him around your new baby. If you can find someone who will take him...Great. I am wondering what kind of friends call their friends murders.
  • Have you considered giving your pet to a pet shelter, or tried to find another family or person to give it to? While I don't know your situation completely, it could just come down to the fact that your pooch is feeling jealous, especially since you have a baby on the way. Or it might be something completely different. If you have to have him put down, I feel for you. I don't really agree with having any animal put to sleep if all your options haven't been explored yet. However I'd bitch slap your friends if I were you for calling you guys murderers. WTF is up with that? They must not be very good friends!
  • First of all, I feel for you, having to make that choice. It's tough to have a pet put down, and even though he is aggressive, he's still your pet. However, if he has become aggressive and unpredictable, as you say, the best, most humane thing you can do is have him put down. It's very difficult, but it sounds like the safest thing for you and your family. You would be more than devastated if he harmed your baby in any way. Unfortunately, many dogs are loyal to one owner and don't do well if they move to a new location, so I'm not sure that would help. I'm sorry your friends don't understand, but I am an animal lover and I had to have that done, too, once. Our dog had been hit by a car. He recovered, but then became aggressive and started growling and biting for no reason. It was the only responsible thing to do. I'll be thinking of you, though, because I know this is hard.
  • No. Don't feel bad. You did what had to be done. Sad to hear of your loss. Go and rent the DVD, "Old Yeller", or read the book. Then you might want to watch something funny to cheer you up. I love dogs but I understand if and why if they have to be put down. Your "friends" are heartless fools. Have you had much experience with dogs? How old was yours? When you're ready to get another dog, I recommend a book called "The Dog Man" by Martin McKenna (if I remember rightly) or dog obedience school. Then again, you may have just gotten a 'dud'. Some dog breeders actively watch all puppy behaviour and will have pups put down if they seem too uncontrollable or aggressive. Like I said, I love dogs, but I understand where they're coming from. We have managed to shield ourselves well from so much harshness in this world but the bottom line is that the harshness is still there and we just have to live with it. Good luck next time.
  • It is your choice to make and whether others agree or not, you live with the choice either way. Keep and agressive dog that has the potential to bite your newborn (especially how unpredictable purebred pitbulls are, I really don't like them) will effect more than just you, it affects visitors, your child and your current pets. Putting the dog to sleep effects you, not your friends, and you have to deal through the emotions since you have owned the dog for 6 years. I'd thank them for their input and if they are that opposed, perhaps they would like to adopt him, but you put the safety of your family above that of a pet. Choosing your child over your dog is a no-brainer. Also, hopefully they called you a murderer in jest, because a friend wouldn't do that. They might express their opposition to your decision in order to sway you, but ultimately it is your decision.
  • You're not murderers, you're responsible parents. Your number one priority is the safety of your baby, and the risk is just too great to have an aggressive/unpredictable dog around. It would be great if there was some other option, like a shelter, instead of having the dog put down. But if not, you have to do what you have to do. If your friends are so against having the dog put down, ask them if they'd be willing to take the dog under the current circumstances. They'll probably say no.
  • It sounds like he has already has his 3 strikes and then some. Your safety and that of your baby MUST come first. A dog who is unpredictable is a timebomb and you would be an irresponsible parent if you kept it in the house. You did your best for the dog and he had 6 more years of loving care than he otherwise would have had. Your friends sound unfeeling and judgmental and I would seriously reconsider my friendship , if I were you. But that's just me. Bless your heart for caring so much for him, in spite of everything. But when a conflict of loyalties comes down to choosing between a human and a dog, I have to go with the human (your baby.)
  • no way. perhaps your friends can offer a home? hmmm it's easy for them to call names huh. I had to have a dog put to sleep because he played everthing he came across to death and out nieghbors had kids. it's a hard decision but one that must be made. my heart goes out to you:(
  • Cesar Milan (The Dog Whisperer) might be the only person I know of who could help your pit bull. That's what he does. You are NOT wrong. When normal people have situations they feel they can no longer control, and the potential for future tragedy is being nipped in the bud, then they do what they must do. And getting rid of the dog, somehow, is best for you and your family. There have been WAY too many stories of pit bulls and other aggressive dogs attacking and killing both other dogs and children. I would be willing to bet that if your dog had attacked one of your "friends" dogs or children, they would want it dead and gone. And if not, they're more fanatical than you knew and than most sane people are. Of course, if there's a rescue or shelter who will take him, do so. But my understanding is if a dog is aggressive and unpredictable, and has already attacked another dog or person, the shelter will NOT try to place him, but put him down, even if you take him there. It may also be better for him, because you never know WHO is going to get him and how they would react to his aggressiveness. People are MUCH more willing to beat an aggressive dog than they are to spank a child for wrongdoing. You must protect your family. You must protect your friends. (What kind of "friend" calls ANYONE a murderer for putting down a beloved pet when they know the circumstances? Personally, I'd have problems thinking of them as "friends" any more.) There are also laws in many states, now, about ownership of aggressive breeds. If ANYTHING untoward happened to anyone and it was reported, you could end up in jail, and the dog would STILL be put down. And I know how sad it is to put down a pet. I've had to take a couple of very old and sick dogs to be put down, and a number of cats. (Some of them I took the the shelter, told them WHY we brought them, and was told they would most-likely put them down because no one would take a cat with their behaviors.) Did I like it? No. Would I do it again? Yes. Do what you feel you have to do. And think seriously of getting new "friends". Good luck. :-/
  • Why not take it to the local animal shelter. You won't know If he's put down or not. Maybe he'll get adopted. In all fairness you should tell them why you are dropping him off. As far as your friends go, ask them had they rather see the dog dead or a baby? If he's aggressive now, what will happen when he's jealous of a newborn?
  • Under normal circumstances I'd suggest offering him to your ''friends'' to see what they say, and wait for their excuses about why they'd love to take him but can't. Except, there's the chance they might take you up on it. Personally, I can't stand Pit bulls, and I'm strongly against having one (even one that seems nice, all dogs are nice until they're not!) around children. I totally support your decision to have it put down. Those dogs seem more aggressive and prone to attacking than others, I remember talking to a doctor who works for HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Service) in the UK. He was called to a widely publicised incident where the family Pit bull (who had never shown any signs of aggression) had attacked a child. He said the kitchen was a blood bath, you could literally wring out cloths in it. The child was unrecognisable, she survived by a sheer miracle needless to say. People say ''but they're just dogs!''. Well, lions are cats. It doesn't mean I'd have one in my home.
  • No, you aren't wrong. I would add that before you do something you can't take back you look to see if their are any trainers or behaviorsists in your area that deal with severe agression that would be interested in him (it's probably a long shot though). You couldn't possibly just try and re-home him knowing his aggression problem, that (as I'm sure you already feel) is wrong. The dog has hurt someone and you have the safety of your child to consider, you really have no other choice at this juncture. Don't let others judge you as if you do.
  • Your baby comes first now, I believe you did the right thing!
  • I think it's wrong. If you can't keep your dog why don't you find another family to look after it?
  • Wow, your friends don't sound like very good friends. Would they prefer you keep the dog and have a horrible accident happen with the baby. I'm sorry you have had to make the decision you have had to. Is it possible someone else could take the dog. I read in another answer that it is a pitbull. Maybe you could find a pitbull rescue organization in your area that would be willing to take him and work with him. Best wishes to you with the new baby!!
  • Your friends are really messed up. Offer to have them take the dog.
  • That's a tough call. But you have to protect your baby! Do they have no-kill shelters on Vulcan? It seems logical to me that they would :-) Try that first; but in any case, you can't keep a dangerous animal in the same house as your baby. My sympathies to you :-)
  • the others are right; your child's safety does come first. however, that being said.. that doesn't necessarily mean you have to put your dog down. cesar milan just did a show the other day in which a dog attacked another dog, unprovoked. he said that doesn't mean that the dog will move onto human attacks. but you still can't chance that with a baby, understandably. should take him to a rescue for pit bulls. please contact them immediately and tell them your situation. if you don't believe you have exhausted all of your options, it will haunt you. placing your dog in the loving, professional hands of someone else will not only relieve you of your fear for your child's welfare but will also alleviate your responsibility to your pet's fate as they will do everything they can do rehabilitate him. please do this before you think of putting him down!
  • This is such an important question. I really hope you will ask your local animal shelter before doing anything to your healthy dog.. you never know if there is another route. Obviously your baby comes first, but I beg you to investigate this matter because any local expert would be glad to assist you.
  • I wish I had seen your question sooner. I would suggest getting your dog fit with a muzzle. That will stop the danger till you find the root cause of the problem. Suspects causes include insulinoma. pancreatitus, too much pituitary hormone and other things. Most correctable with medications. Certain breeds are more prone to such problems. (here comes the flack from the AKC people) Pedigreed dogs are often the worst. Collies, Dalmations have had the breeds ruined by bad lines. Rottweiliers, Mastiffs, Doberman, Pit Bulls, Sheppards can revert to the predisposed nature of being guard and war dogs. But they can be surprisingly gentle.
  • just had my westie put down yesterday - he nipped at a child on saturday and following advice from the vet, it was the only option. we are absolutely gutted and can totally understand how you feel. you can reflect in time and realise that you made the right decision. try to focus on the arrival of your baby soon and just concentrate on the good times you had with your dog. all best wishes for your future
  • You had to make a difficult choice but the right one for your family. I am sure your vet would give you good advise in this situation, but if a dog is unpredictable and attacking others for no reason there the dog is harmful to anyone in any situation. You also did the right thing for your child. Good luck and feel better.
  • I'm sorry to hear that, but once a dog bites he will keep doing it. A dog can be sweet and nice 99% of the time but the unpredictable 1% can be fatel. I had a very sweet loving 165lb dog that started to nip at family members, we had to put him to sleep although I was very heart broken and sad, the stress of him biting anyone else was gone.
  • No, you are not wrong. If your friends are so quick to call you murderers...ask them why they don't take the dog in themselves? I had a black lab that left two bruise marks on my babies face one day and that was the end. I did not have to put her down, but we did give her away. But if we had not found someone to give her to, I would have put her down. It is better than leaving her in a shelter where they will gas her anyway. You are doing the most responsible thing you can do. Don't feel bad. You have to keep your baby safe, or they will acuse you of being a bad parent and irresponsible and take your baby away from you or your dog may maul or kill your baby. What is worse?
  • put them down
  • Some friends you have.if my dog started acting like yours did i would have done axactly what you did,any sensible person in the right mind would.Don't feel bad for doing this Whats to say that the dog would'nt attack your new born baby? you did the right thing and if your friends can't understand .all i can say is i hope they don't have a dog like that with a new born baby
  • no ur not wrong as u have to put the safty of you and your bab first id give my life for my kids and any parent should do all the can to protect their children
  • absoutley not, you are acting responsibly. We had a unpredictable cocker spaniel who did not like other dogs or children. It was hard work keeping him apart from both. You loved your dog but imagine if he had attacked a child this morning, doesnt bear thinking about.
  • Pits are notoriously dog aggressive and many can live happy peaceful lives in single dog adult only homes. Pit rescues are often familiar with such cases and you may be surprised to find out how much your local pit rescue (or state rescue) can help. There are people out there who are happy to have a single dog and are willing and able to take on an aggressive dog as a project. Even some pits formerly used for dog fighting can be rehabed and live long happy lives in single dog homes. Dog aggression (or aggression towards people) is not an absolute reason for euthanasia until all avenues have been exhausted. For those who have a dog who is suddenly showing signs of aggression, please first have your dog checked out by a vet. There are many medical reasons that can make a dog "aggressive" (including pain). Should a newly aggressive dog check out okay at the vet, the next avenue to explore is to engage the services of a behaviorist who uses positive techniques (as aggressive techniques often beget more aggression). Please know, that you may need the help of more than one behaviorist. Should all avenues fail, look into rehoming the dog (as some dogs are better off in different homes and with different owners). Of course, if there is potential danger to children in the home etc, it is often best to check the dog's health and then rehome him immediately.
  • No, you're not wrong. That dog could have seriously hurt someone, most likely a child, it's hard but it was the lesser of two evils
  • You may love it, but it's an animal, driven by instinct. People often forget this when dealing with pets, animals at heart are not meant to be kept, no matter how domesticated.
  • To the guy who THOUGHT the dog was a pitt look so dumb right now she never said anything about pitt bulls. People like you who are close minded and think everything is one animal.....are just as bad as the people who train them to kill. As for putting the dog down you have a baby on the way, a better way since it did not attack a person would have been take him to a shelter, and tell them he is not a good dog with other dogs and best with only adults in the home, but your choice is your choice, no one should judge you for what you think is best.
  • Where do you live? I had 3 pitbulls in my life and with out exercise they would act up. I think that because you have another dog, maybe the pit is getting jealous. What you need to do is show it your back when it tries to get attention that is unwanted. Dogs that don't get eye contact and are challenged from their owner tend to calm down. My pitbull actually bit 2 people and fortunately for us they understood that they walked into our house unanounced and the dog did not like that. What you need to do is make sure the dog is socialized and give him more attention than the other dog. Jealousy really is the problem.
  • no it was not you falt and if thear wear you tru frends they wount call you that thats wout my mom told me
  • no it is not you falt. and they woundent have caled you that if they wher you tru frends thats what my mouther said to me
  • Children come first. Has the dog shown aggresiveness toward people? Has he been socialized properly and trained? Your friends are losers. There's a difference between a hard core animal lover and a bleeding heart liberal animal lover. I am a hard core animal lover but if my dog became unpredictable toward people, I would try to train her first, adopt her out second and if all else failed, I would have her put down.
  • Thats a bit harsh saying that you guys are "murderers"! I definately feel that if a dog is ever going to put a person, especially a child at risk through unprovoked aggressive behaviour should be put down. However there is reasonable doubt as there could be several other factors that have made his behaviour unpredictable. I would first look into training the animal in a professional manner and if it is certified as being trained and harmless, then I would look at adopting it out to a good family.
  • Well i dont think you should put him down maybe find another home for him
  • no ur not wrong, i have a rottie 5yrs old we need to have him put down asap, we have tryed to rehome him but nobody will take him as he is a very angry dog, he has gone 4 people and i live in fear with him, even the r.s.p.c.a wouldnt take him in last yr as thay said thay carnt rehome him the best thing 4 him is to b put down, i am gutted that i have to do this but i dont want to get evected because of my dag, i have had complaints of the housein and of next doors.
  • Your far from wrong! would they rather you waited until it attacked you or your baby?
  • Your friends are very insensitive. I don't think you're wrong. If the dog viciously attack your other pet, it may shown aggression and jealousy towards your baby when it comes. You have to think of your child's safety.
  • Dog rivalry is normal especially if they are the same gender. 2 pitbulls of the same gender should NEVER be put together. However, you should just impound it, not have it killed. On that same note, if you have a little one coming and these are house dogs, I'm sorry but the pitbulls need to go. The Daschound can stay. I think they're cute!
  • if that is what has to be done for you to keep your family safe then it needs to be done . make sure you spend time with him and spoil him silly before you do it ..
  • We are dealing with this very thing now. Our 3 yr old male corgi will attack my 14 yr old female peke out of the blue. We also have a 7 yr old male corgi, and he is the obvious dominate dog. The young corgi never fights with the 7 year old! Just my old, part blind girl. It is breaking my heart. She deserves a quiet, loving old age. We don't know what to do.
  • Yes you are. You may not want to hear this but yes, you are wrong. You should give the dog to the ASPCA because i believe they train dogs that way. I hope i answered this question before you put your dog to sleeep. I hope you make a good choice becuse a dogs life is at stake!
  • I don't know all the details, but from what you've said, my opinion is that you are wrong. Are you considering your other options? Have you consulted the dog's vet, your local humane societies/shelters, animal rescue/rehabilitation organizations, training schools, etc? Not every dog and household make a perfect fit. There's no shame in admitting you have priorities which make it impossible for you to adequately care for this high-needs dog. But isn't there a chance that someone else, someone without other pets and a baby on the way, could devote more primary attention to this dog, and that in such an environment the dog could be controlled and could thrive? At our local humane society (Toronto), they rate the dogs in terms of their difficulty in handing and special needs. Some dogs are rated as requiring a household free of children/pets and with an experienced owner. They don't put these dogs down: they try to find the perfect home for them. There may be a time when a dog must be killed because of violent behaviour. There may be dogs who are beyond rehabilitation. But it doesn't sound to me as though you know whether that time has come or not, and it would be wrong of you to kill him without knowing. Have you even looked into what may be causing this behaviour change? A change in behaviour in an animal is often a warning sign of a serious condition, a disease or illness or something.
  • What ended up happening? That's such a tough situation.
  • It is always difficult to put down a pet as they are part of your family ; like a child in MANY cases ... In your case; you did what you had to do ... and NO GUILT need be attached .... and MY sympathy goes out to you for your loss and pain at this time. IF the dog was agressive and attacking the other dog .. it could end up running you Thousands in vet bills if any serious damage had been done .... Also; if beginning to get agressive with other animals ; he might have then suddenly turned on a human in the home ..... I am sorry that you had to go thru this ... I've been there myself .... My prayers are with you at this sad time ... Your friends are jerks .
  • No you are not a murder. When my sister was a small baby we had a doberman that attacked a neighbour when I was at school, when I got home my mother told me she was sorry but it was for the safety of the family to get it taken by the police (and city pound), rather than take a chance that a pet could change and attack a family member. I am sorry about your loss, a pet is an extension of your family. +5
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. You did the right thing. Your friends are misguided and need to mind their own business.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. This can't have been an easy decision for you to make. Without running a temperament test on the dog, I would never try to say if there were any other options that could have been used. Your first obligation is to be responsible and I believe that is what you have tried to do, at the cost of your heartache. I hope that all is well with the baby and that the good memories will help to heal your pain as much as possible. I don't believe your "friends" were necessarily very fair minded, and I agree, had they been bitten, their opinions would most likely NOT have been to throw negative accusations at you.
  • Oh my god. Dont have a dog if you expect it to behave like a human. Dogs fight with other dogs, they are aggresive at times. Its whats dogs do, don't like it then dont have one.
  • Every dog is different as is human and we act accordingly. however if this was a pet that only was attacking another dog, was he neutered? or was the other one, male to male dogs can have spats... Personally, I would have taken him to the vets and had tests to see if he was ill or had a reason rather than having him put to sleep.
  • well im sorry for your lose, but one thing to remember is that today a dog tomorrow a child( maybe your child).i remember baby sitting twin boys and they saw a friend and asked they could stroke the dog(rottweiler). this was a friendly dog in the neighborhood and as i went to come outside the dog had bit the child across his face and he will never be an identical twin again.i live with that everyday, so its better to put it down before coming to that senerio.
  • You are not wrong. Also, I wouldn't call them your friends if they call you murderers!
  • You are NOT a murderer and your so called "friends" are being ridiculous saying that. You have an unpredictable and dangerous sitation AND a child on the way. You are doing the right thing. I can certainly understand how heart wrenching this must be for you.
  • No you are not wrong if your dog became aggressive and is attacking other pets or people it needs to be put down no matter how much you dont want to. Becouse if you dont someone is going to get hurt and it could of ben you baby. You are not a murderers to have your aggressive dog humanely put to sleep.
  • No,your familys safety is more important than a dogs life and i love dogs.
  • real animal lovers are mature enough to put them down when needed ppl who feed strays or have animals that they can't provide for are not lovers of animals your friends don'y sound like friends a real friend can disagree and still support you
  • Your friends are calling you murders?! Well dang! Of course you did the right thing! I am a nature person and still i think person or animal should get rid of something that may bring harm to their offspring. But in your case an innocent baby.

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