My car keys and glasses mostly.
My sunglasses.
Easter eggs with little kids. :) Tons of fun.
Terrorists(Rainbow Six: Vegas 4eva)
Shoes :)
A good time. Something I can relax and have fun with.
Moose. Up here in Canada we like em on the BBQ! You know your a red-neck when... LOL
Hunting!?! I LOVE hunting- I practically live for it! My absolute favorite is Ducks! (Mallards). I also hunt turkey, deer, pheasant, and goose though... heck, I love hunting them ALL! :) Great question!
Men. lol
for socks
Good looking men. Or maybe it would be better put under stalking.. Oh well. :) Watch out ~+~
Bargains ^.^
Quail and other various game birds.... Naaah, I'm not that yuppie. Would've been pretty neat though.
Pizza because its so easy.
SSsshhh! I'm hunting twolls!!
Stud Muffins ;)
First and foremost, Girls;) All other wild game And critters A cheap vehicle;) My Slippers;)
Available men. The perfect pair of shoes. Comfortable jeans.
A bargain. I can't resist a good deal!
antiques.....junk..same thing.
Frogs and efts.
The illusive two legged beaver
I don't believe in killing anything. My choice...A Good Bargain! :)
the other half, cake and vodka. in that order prefribly
sweet T
Fashion sales!
cute purses
wascally wabbits
I only read the first 10 answers and the closest thing to "game" was "wabbits". So I'll play straight. I've hunted all my life, all over the western US, England, Poland and Africa. My favorite, in terms of excitement, challenge, difficulty and many other factors really is rabbits. Jackrabbits in the west. They don't taste that good but they're far more exciting to find and harder to hit than the traditional "big game".
Wow, I just say I answered this like a billion times, lol, but seriously: Horribly pixelated ducks....
SOULS!! mwhahahaha.
Hot men!!!
It use to be women, but since I got married, it's become cheap restaurants that serve good food. : )
What I hunt the most is the remote, but what my favorite thing to hunt is my wife!!!!
I love to hunt white tail deer. the taste of venicine is just really good to me.
Girls. of course.
Going out of buisness sales.
Deer, Elk if I could afford to do it.
i love to hunt people that hunt animals
free women
Beaver. Hehehe. :-P
Chicks and my enemies :D
my brother hunts me,why? i still have no idea
Easter Egg Hunting is so much fun! Even as an adult I enjoy the hiding and the finding with the children!!! Good clean fun!!! +5
i like hunting down pictures for my answers on ab.
Women :-)
Tasty animals.
Elk, Mule deer, quail, white-winged dove, rabbits to name a few.
Pheasants. I love pheasant hunting but seldom get the opportunity since I live in an area that doesn't have pheasant hunting.
Spare change in the couch.
Meat at Stop and Shop
Action figures
My choice is deer hunting. It's an opportunity to have a good time with friends or with family. In addition, deer`s meat is really tasty. It is not so difficult, especially if you have good equipment and a deer call. There is a lot of information about calls maybe someone come in handy. Who didn`t hunt deer, I advise you to try!
Red ants with a strong magnifier and lotsa sun!
i dont hunt
Not even bed bugs? Scroll down to your answer. lol
A good deal on something I would actually buy at full price!
A bargain of goodies. :)
"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway
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