Martial art gardening films
Chick flicks. Actually, that's not true. I've been dragged to quite a few (and literally fell asleep through most) so I can't save never. But I never *wish* to see these films.
Foreign ones in the sense that it is in a language I do not understand.
porn movies... and rambo!!!! sorry for those fanatics...hehe
Gore horror, Saw1- Saw50, Wolf Creek, movies like those.
Horror movies.
True stories where the criminal is still on the loose (Texan chain saw massacre)
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Texas Chainsaw Massacre is about as true a story as Mary Poppins.
I never watch any of the sappy tear jerking crud.
Mostly low-budget movies.
Horror movies, also movies with violence as the main theme.
Anything with Mickey Rourke in it. We all boycott him around here.
I never watch westerns, religious and war movies. They do not interest me and that’s just my movie dislike.
Anime movies or any movie with cartoon like characters.
Anime movies or any movie with cartoon like characters.
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