because, sadly, some people do not like the Jewish and Roma people and they think the holocaust is an attempt to get sympathy
what? there are people out there that think that this didn't happen? wow. What a bunch of idiots. This is like saying "I don't believe that the sky is blue" or "cats are humans". It's ridiculous.
Your joking right?
Easy. They have deluded, twisted thought processes.
Well there were a lot of records destroyed or altered as well in order to hide how confiscated possessions were distributed. There was an extensive attempt to destroy all trace of the events and cover it up completely. As such, there is actually very little absolutely solid evidence for specifics. Fortunately, several of the death camps still had some survivors and the camps themselves had not yet been destroyed when they fell to our Allied Forces ... so there is some evidence. Unfortunately, there is very little evidence remaining to prove who owned what before the Nazis came to power, and very few traces of accurate census data showing who was alive and who lived where. But the big problem is that there are those who try to claim that it is this very little remaining evidence that is what was falsely fabricated. These people want to make it look like it is the Jews that are trying to steal stuff from Germans and they want to make it look like there were only a few "bad criminal Jews" taken out of society and that the vast numbers of the Holocaust are fake.
Army Veteran
Isn't it amazing how when the Germans abandoned Auschwitz and other camps in Poland they somehow found time to destroy every trace of evidence against them? The plans for the crematoria still exist - why weren't they destroyed, too?
The people that believe the Holocaust didn't happen are the same people that don't believe we've been to the moon. They probably believe that The U.S President caused Hurricane Katrina and the destruction of The World Trade Center. Oh, and if you ask them 75% probably still believe The Earth is flat.
Do you really know, or know of anyone, who doesn't believe the Holocaust didn't happen? How about moon landing-do they believe in them?
i wasn't there and I didn't know any of them , but i thought it was all non German people not just jews, wasn't it a war the second WORLD WAR ? Or was it the German, Israel war? 6,000,000 Pols, Sweds, Nors, Danes, southern French, English, Russins, etc. But like I said i wasn't even born yet. I never read 35 million. And isn't that when They took Palistine and created Isreal ? And cut off a piece of Iraq and called it Kuwait, while they were redrawing up all the maps. I remember reading that someplace.
I think it's because they just can't handle knowing something so horrible could happen, so they block it out by disbelief. In a subconcious way.
The people who do the denying are similar to the various conspiracy theorists. These people simply bend the facts, or ignore the parts that don't lead to their foregone conclusion. One excuse about the disappearance of "these" people is that they simply moved away. Since there is no way to prove how many people were involved, they find that explanation plausible. They simply say that any evidence that doesn't meet their needs is a lie.
Because the science doesn’t add up at all. 35 million??? Last time I checked it was 6 million buddy. Zyklon B was the chemical that supposedly gased these people. Zyklon B was an insect killer and it was so weak that it took 16 grams per cubic meter over a 24 hour period to kill a moth (Source: Document NI-9912, Office of the Chief Counsel for War Crimes, 1947, a translation of directions issued by the Health Institute of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in Prague, p.6.). How did it kill 6 million if it took a day just to kill a moth? Zyklon B was found in tin cans in the concentration camps. Is there a such thing as a blue crystal of hydrogen cyanide? NO. Can hydrogen cyanide be solidified at room temperature in an ordinary tin can? NO. Zyklon B was released downwards from the shower heads. Wait a minute, is cyanide gas heavier than air? NO. The ovens photographed at the camps had 18 inch doors and were two feet off the ground. Sounds ideal for burning bodies. When petroleum is used as a fuel it takes about 1 and a half hours to burn a body (Source Legal Medicine and Toxicology). If 6 million were burned that means they burned about 16,000 bodies a day. This would require over 1000 ovens. The larger camps had 4 or 5 ovens the smaller camps had 1 or 2 ovens. Where are these 1000 ovens? The average body produces about 5 to 9 pounds of ash (Source Legal Medicine and Toxicology). If 6 million were killed that would mean a minimum of 15,000 tons of ash were produced. Why didn’t anyone find this ash or any skeletons after the war?
A lot of people question the numbers and not so much whether or not the Holocaust happened. Six million is a lot of people, and some claim that this number is greatly inflated to create sympathy for the Jewish cause.
Human beings are notorious for ingnoring the facts in favor of some ethereal, misguided belief.
(I'm hoping you just left out the decimal point, and meant 3.5 million - the approximate number of people (mostly Jews) killed in the death camps. As to your question ...) The anti-Semites and the "world-Zionist-conspiracy" cranks aside ... The people who fall for the arguments (like Basketball Fan here earlier) interpret sound hard facts, half-truths and outright lies with wrong assumptions, and are evidently unaware of other facts ... including evidently the mountain of hard documentation and film footage produced by the Reich itself. For example, they look at what remains/has been restored of Auschwitz now and do their calculations off of that, apparently ignorant of the fact that the crematoriums there were burned and leveled in a prisoner uprising late in the war and weren't rebuilt, and that the Nazi's themselves dismantled the gas chambers there and tried to bury the evidence when the Russians were getting close. Also, 1.1 million (not 6 million) people were killed at Aushwitz-Birkenau and ALL its satellites, and the crematoriums were not "ovens" for individual bodies, but large forced-draft chambers built along the lines of large industrial coal furnaces. You have to wonder if these same 'skeptics' conclude that the American Revolution never happened because 1) the Liberty Bell has a crack in it, 2) it's housed in a modern building, 3) the amount of gunpowder in the colonies at the time wouldn't make for a mediocre 4th of July fireworks display, and 4) the English and Americans are such good friends and allies, that they never would or could have fought a war against each other. This type of "reasoning" isn't confined to Holocaust deniers. It's rampant, Left, Right, and Center; the religious, the atheistic, and the skeptical; New Agers, Wiccans, & middle class Republican church-going suburban housewives. You even find it in uncritical fans of Penn & Teller's "Bullshit". Whether they're espousing the patently false and nonsensical theories of the Davinci Code, the totally disproven canard that Jesus studied under Buddhist/Hindu lamas/gurus in India/Tibet/Nepal/Bhutan/Kashmir, the schizoid and racist theories of Eric von Danekan about ancient alien visitations, or that Bush & Comp. along with the Israelis perpetrated 9/11 and NOT Al-Qaeda, it all comes down to people's susceptibility to a well told lie that captures their imagination, fascinates them, and appeals to their biases, prejudices, vanities, suspicions, and resentments. These "theories" are like urban legends made for people with a nature for bucking the system and going against the flow -- not necessarily bad qualities in and of themselves, but they're too often combined with a mental laziness and an unwillingness to investigate independently the claims of their guru's or take the time to look at the rigorous analysis and rebuttals offered by their critics. Most usually, these sensational theories are just so "delicious" -- and complementary to their own biases, prejudices, and vanities -- that they WANT to believe them much too strongly to examine them critically and skeptically. As for the holocaust, first of all, the 5 million ... 6 million ... 6.5 million ... 7 million (and evidently still growing) figure for the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust is an example of people's penchant for increasing exaggeration over time and sloppiness with statistics. However, the evidence is that somewhere around 3 million PEOPLE (70-90% of them Jews) were killed in the death camps at Sobibor (150k+), Treblinka (800k), Belzec (500k), Chelmno (150k) and Auschwitz-and-all-its-satellite-camps (1.1M), and Majdanek (70k), and another 500k people in mobile extermination units before the death camps were built. It's not known whether these figures include the tens of thousands who died en-route to the camps in boxcars. Additionally, about a half million European Jews died under Nazi rule before the death camps were even built. Another half million died in the work camps (due to depravation, malnutrition, poor disease control and sanitation, beatings, being worked to death, natural causes, and executions for attempting escape, insubordination/rebellion, and the occasional actual crime - and more than a few perished in Allied bombings. About 70-100,000 died in the boxcars, and as many in death marches at the end of the war. About another quarter million+ died in the ghettos between '42 and '45, tens-of-thousands of those in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Italy and the Balkans were rounded up and shot by local gangs in the last days of the war. Thousands also died in hiding, or otherwise trying to escape capture. Also, while Cyanide from Zyklon-B was the primary method used at Auschwitz and Majdanek, the rest used Carbon-Monoxide from gas and diesel engines and good-old-fashioned-firing-squads. Mass graves and later mass-open-air crematoriums (trenches with pipes for ventilation and a lot of gas, diesel or kerosene -- but once a pile of human bodies starts burning, the body-fat and organ-fat alone will keep the fire raging so long as there's air -- you just have to keep adding bodies to keep it going, and have an ash pan and vent system to blow out the ash. As for Zyklon-B, when exposed to air, it releases the highly toxic compound Hydrogen-Cyanide: contra Basketball Fan, the gas was not "vented in through the showers," in fact the shower-heads were all dummies and completely sealesd. What happened was dozens of vacuum sealed canisters of pellets were opened and immediately dumped from openings in the ceilings and/or walls (depending on the chamber) on to the people and floor below, and then the openings were sealed. The reaction of the pellets with the air was rapid - particularly with all the panicked and writhing people kicking, stomping and stirring them all up: the people closest to the pellet piles would die quickly, those furthest away would take up to 20 minutes. And as anyone who knows anything about toxicology knows, it's not the substance but the level that’s poisonous: the levels of hydrogen-cyanide in the gas-chambers was over 5,000 times greater than bb's single-pellet moth-killing example. I await his argument that no one has ever died from sleeping pills because 1 just makes you drowsy.
Army Veteran
Did you ever hear Dario Gabbi's description of the bodies he said he dragged to the ovens using a cane around the neck? He described them as "black and blue". No one ever testified as to the color of the bodies after being exposed to the Zyklon B. The assumption is that they would have had a bluish color just like the walls of the "gas chambers" - this is probably where Dario Gabbi got his description of "black ad blue" from. But such is not the case. The blue stain on the walls (of the disinfection chambers, not the gas chambers) came from a chemical reaction between the cyanide and the iron oxide (rust) mixed with the concrete. People don't get rusty, so the tell-tale signs of cyanide exposure are not blue - the reaction that cyanide has on the body is that it turns the skin a cherry-red color. This was never mentioned anywhere whether by the prisoners or in the Nuremberg Trial. How could over a million Jews be killed with cyanide and not a single one show any outward sign?
It's actually 6 million, not 35 million people. I do believe that it existed. There are survivors of the Holocaust that tells his/her story. They are not making up lies. Read Anne Frank's Diary or Night by Elie Weisel. There are also evidence that the Holocause existed. And the Holocaust deniers are just people who refuses to believe something so horrific could happen. Think about Darfur today, in the modern world. It's genocide and history repeats itself.
i wonder about things like this all the do people just ignore facts...? people want to dispute the fact that the holocaust happened, in spite of the fact that dwight d. eisenhower made sure that media took pics, locals were asked to assist (in burying the dead), etc...he did these things to make certain there was proof of the genocide (this was how the evidence was collected for the nazi war trials)... all i know for sure is, if you give someone a picture of your blue car, you can bet that someone will swear it's a red cat with wings... as for the's a calculation, not a body count, as with most major disasters (man-made or natural)... "The exact number of people killed during the Holocaust is not known, and so estimates and ranges of this figure are given instead. The groups of people that are defined to be victims of the Holocaust has a large impact on the number of victims. If Jews are considered to be the sole victims of the Holocaust, then the number of victims is estimated to be around 6.0 million. If the three million Soviet POWs, 150,000 disabled and mentally ill people, 130,000 to 285,000 Roma and Sinti, 5-15,000 homosexuals, political prisoners and religious dissenters are included as victims of the Holocaust, then the death toll is estimated to be around nine million people. Including the deaths of two million ethnic Poles as victims of the Holocaust brings the number of victims to around 11 million. The broadest definition of the Holocaust would also include Soviet civilian victims, raising the death toll to 17 million people." ( Niewyk, Donald. The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, 45-52) click on pic for full size image...
I think it is somewhat along the lines of the fact that the people who generally deny the holocaust are those who do not believe Jews are people so in their twisted minds no "people" were lost. Those who deny things like that are not reasonable to even discuss things with.
I dunno, very strange. Same as the people who believe 9/11 is an inside job. I think that people who claim they believe the holocost is fake are just trying to get attention.
Because they cant rap there minds around something so terrible
The same way that people believe that the theory of evolution is wrong. By systematically ignoring evidence in order for one's own beliefs.
A lot of people are just dumb. Really, really dumb.
i am sure something happened or nothing would have been recorded, whether they died or disappeared i can't say because i was not yet alive and can only learn via records which can be falsified
There is someone who really doesn't believe the holocaust didn't happen?!?!?! I have never heard of that before!!!! What an idiot!! There are STILL folks walking around with numbers tattoed on the inside of their forearms!!! I am sick after hearing this. I can feel myself being polluted as we speak.............
Ignorance. They have no knowledge of history so they don't understand how or why things like the Holocaust happened.
because they dont belive somthing so horriable could go unnoticed for so long
Those people are a fraction of the world! They are fools pay them no mine!
What I don't understand is how people can doubt the holocaust and then trust Bush and the Media. There are things we ought to misstrust. The holocaust is not one of them.
the same way people believe that voting for obama will excuse them from their rent payments. speaking of obama, i feel he will allow a 2nd Holocaust as Iran feels there will be no consequence to genocide when he is in office.
Holocaust-mass death due to fire. The Germans shoot, gassed, starved and bombed/shelled several million people to death but there is no recorded instance where they mass burned them to death. There fore the holocaust never happened unless you want to count the American fire bombing of Dresden and Tokyo or the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Holocaust deniers are generally neo-nazis who believe that the only real road block to re-establishing Nazism as a viable political position is the continuing lingering memory of the Holocaust. They understand that as long as their ideology is tied down in memories of genocide, they won't be able to get anywhere. Fascist Nazi ideology is still (thankfully) a non-starter in the west. What Holocaust deniers aim to do is chip away credibility from events surrounding the the genocide with irrelevant questions and poor history (eg "No bars on the windows!) and introduce clouds of doubt where there really should be none.
The liberals are still in denial there were attacks on 9/11, so I'm guessing the holocaust is certainly not off limits.
And there was no insurrection of the Capitol on January 6, right? This is what the conservatives are trying to get people to believe.
35 million? What happened to the 6 everybody else screams about? Is this Jewish math?
35 million? Are you sure you're not talking about war dead? No one has ever said there were 35 million killed in the camps. Go to your room and read it again.
This website provides quite a few answers to that question:
People believe what they're told, and some have been told since childhood that the holocaust did not happen, or was not as bad as others were saying. It can take time to "unlearn" a lifetime of brainwashing. However, the death toll of the actual holocaust is around 11-12 million. The death toll of WWII itself is around 60 million. The ex-USSR alone lost almost 24 million people - mostly civilians. The holocaust death toll is not normally taken to include the people killed in actual warfare, only the systematic killing of "undesirables" - these included around 6 million Jews, 2-3 million Soviets, 2 million Poles, 1.2 million Romani and hundreds of thousands of gays, disabled and others.
They have an agenda. Or they are mentally deficient. Or both.
Whoever doesn't "believe" it happen just don't want to believe it happened. They don't want to think that we can do this, or for some incredibly sick, twisted reason, they think the Nazi's were right in believing that the jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally disabled, and whoever else was in those horrible concentration camps. I haven't actually met anyone who thinks that it's not real, and that's like saying that the computer in front of me isn't real, stupid! Isn't the thousands to millions of pictures, stories, music, books, and video's enough proof? Just going to Auschwitz or one of the other camps would be enough proof. Although I've never been to any of them (although someday I want to visit them), I'm sure the sorrow and death will be forever etched in the walls of those camps. Watch this video and THEN tell me to my face if you still think it's fake: I don't think it's acutally gruesome, but you do see dead bodies there. It's just scary, and unbelievable that humans are actually capable of this sort of torture. It's just the way that you can see clear outlines of their ribcages through their skin, and the way their arms arms are the width of their bones, is just plain out scary. I don't think anyone really know's how horrible these camps were, or can even begin to dream about how torturous they look, even if you read about the holocaust, until you've watched this video. It's actually terrible, I couldn't watch the whole thing. Watch this video then tell me with a straight face that you don't think any of it's real, because this is definitely real. People need to be brough to the realization just what one person who holds so much hatred and murder in their heart is capable of.
Sometimes it's easier to deal with things if they are in denial. It kind of takes away the pain of it when you say, "What Holocaust??". But seriously, people need to keep talking about it, so we are aware and so it will never happen again.
Who is denying that the Holocaust never happened? It is a historical fact, and not up for argument! The same people would probably also deny the existance of Hitler and Elvis! I don't think it is a mental block, I would say it is ignorance.
Well, in Nazi Germany there were a lot of records destroyed or altered as well, in order to hide how Nazis confiscated possessions were distributed. There was an extensive attempt to destroy all trace of the events and cover it up completely. As such, there is actually very little absolutely solid evidence for specifics. Fortunately, several of the death camps still had some survivors and the camps themselves had not yet been destroyed when they fell to our Allied Forces, so there is some evidence. Unfortunately, there is very little evidence remaining to prove who owned what before the Nazis came to power, and very few traces of accurate census data showing who was alive and who lived where. But the big problem is that there are those who try to claim that it is this very little remaining evidence that is what was falsely fabricated. These people want to make it look like it is the Jews that are trying to steal stuff from Germans and they want to make it look like there were only a few "bad criminal Jews" taken out of society and that the vast numbers of the Holocaust are fake. I know that it did happen, but this is among the HOWS and WHYS that there is some denial. Although many records did survive, thereby proving there was some sort of genocide, many more records were destroyed, leaving only partial proof for some acts and not total proof for each and every act. __________ "It has always been easier to neatly package dung and sell lies expensively, yet very difficult to give away freely the truth." ... and ... "The hardest gift to give, yet the one most needed is and will always be, wisdom." Buddha.
you'd be surprised how many individuals want to keep their head in the sand. i'm appalled that there are some who wish to remain in ignorance of what history teaches.
i've seen the evidence so there is no doubt and only pain and shame at shared humanity. now, i could see folks who have grown up in protected environments in which they're told that it is a tool used by zionists to gain support for their position, and, those children will grow up into disbelieving adults. this is why we try to combat hate and fear with knowledge. it's a lot cheaper than bullets, at least at first efforts.
So many comments and so few facts. I notice that no one mentioned the "6 million Jews" who were being threatened with extermination throughout the years of 1900-1939 - it appeared in all the newspapers of the time. Yet, when the same authors of the articles accused Hitler of exterminating Jews less than 7 months after he became Chancellor, no one seems to be able to make the connection. I'd call that "denial". If it was acknowledged as fact (and it's easily proven), it would greatly cripple the "Holocaust" claim. A word on the claims that the Nazis destroyed all of the evidence, such is impossible. A plan of extermination as vast as the "Final Solution" would leave a paper trail that could be traced from anywhere. Even if they did manage to destroy the records, one thing they could never destroy would have been the letters sent home to friends and family from a soldier describing his work for the Fatherland. Someone would have mentioned the gas chambers to someone, be it a parent or a sweetheart waiting patiently for him at home. Not a scrap of paper has been found anywhere that even makes such a suggestion. The only way this is possible is if there were no letters - and the only way there would have been no letters would have been if there were no gas chambers being operated - you can't write about what doesn't exist. As for the number of victims, the "official" number in Auschwitz is 1.1 million - down from the original 4 million. It was the Soviets that initially reported 4 million after liberating the camp. Obviously, there was an exaggeration - they embellished the number to damage the German credibility as badly as possible. The Soviets also admitted to "rebuilding" the gas chamber - the truth is, there never was a gas chamber at Auschwitz nor any other camp - it too, was made up for the same reason. It was Soviet propaganda, and because they refused to allow access to the Western allies, no investigations were made. The West accepted the Soviets' word without question. And people wonder why there are those who don't believe the Holocaust happened. What is documented about the Holocaust is a one-sided narrative that offers two options only: believe it or you're antisemitic. Well, the fact is I am not antisemitic - I support the Jewish culture more than anyone who believes the Holocaust happened. These people are ignorant of Zionism and refuse to recognize how it was the Jews' own "Jewish intellectuals" who threw them under the bus. Educate yourselves on more than just what you've been spoonfed - you might actually learn something.
The Holocaust did not result in that many deaths. The war in general did. "Holocaust" refers specifically to the systematic effort by the Nazis to wipe out certain groups of people, primarily the European Jews, but also some other groups. But yes, you're right, the deniers have to explain where all of the victims went. They usually come up with such explanations as "They died of disease" or "There weren't that many people who disappeared anyway." What they can't explain is the Nazis' own documentation of the Holocaust. It's plentiful.
In short, you'd have to have that many Jews in the first place for them to "disappear". Whatever the "official" total is (6 million, 4 million, 3 million, 1.1 million, '35 million') the "default" number stands at 6 million - this is the number alluded to in nearly all of the debates. But even that number is incorrect. The reason no one can settle on a single number is that the keepers of the tally books claim that the "6 million" number is an estimate. There was no census taken between 1939 and 1945 so there is no way of knowing just how many Jews died or immigrated into or out of Germany - thus it is just an "estimate". It's because of this estimate that the "official number" becomes whatever "official numbers" they want to claim. The "6 million" number was pulled out of thin air - it's a sacred number to the Jews. It’s the mystical and magical conjure number associated with ushering in the Balaam oracles of return to the land of Israel. The so-called "Jewish intellectuals" (Zionists) were publishing newspaper articles in the New York Times and other major newspapers between 1900 and 1939 which told of "6 million Jews" being "threatened with extermination". It was a political fundraiser/sympathy campaign and by making people feel sorry for the Jews, it gained a lot of supporters and raised a lot of money for their agenda. This is the same "6 million" figure that is claimed to have perished in the Holocaust. The problem is, documented evidence points to different conclusions - one of which is that the deaths were caused by disease epidemics, not gas chambers. This is why "disease" is hardly mentioned in the Holocaust debates but "gas chambers" are pushed like penny candy. Anyone who doesn't "accept" the "official" number is deemed to be antisemitic and called a "denier" (or worse).
People who say they don't believe the holocaust occurred are basically anti-semitic and don't want to view Jews as victims. They view the non-Jew "race" as victims of Jewish activities. p. This of course is ignorance because much is known about that time frame. One can also travel and see the remnants of the holocaust.
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