110 volts from a cattle prod. that usually does the trick
Child neglect.
what do you mean "her" daughter???... you should have said "our" daughter.... this child didn't come about by herself
Linda Joy
It might not be HIS daughter.
Child neglect, Child endangerment depending on the circumstances, there are literally thousands of iterations of laws that could be used depending on the states statute.
Think about this before you act. Your main concern is for the proper care of the child , not the punishment of your ex-wife!
Call Children's Services. They'd have to show that she's unfit. If she's being neglected or abused, call the police.
maybe neglect charges
If you can prove there is harm or abuse going on, then you can bring a case or call social services.
Check with your lawyer!
Besides child neglect documented by Child Services, she would have to be a drug addict, alcoholic, felon or created a dangerous situation for the child to be in.
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