People whose way of life is (should be) Islam (=submission to the will of God) as contained in the HQ (the Holy Qur'an, the last and final testament from God for mankind) and the Soonnah or Hadeeth (collections of anecdotes concerning God's last prophet on earth). As a bonus the thought that follows it is that ALL of Gods prophets from Adam to Mohammed including Noah,Abraham, Moses, Jesus and countless others sent to mankind everywhere, ALL OF THEM, brought the message of Islam (=submission to the will of God).
what a load of shit -
Hmm, the Mormons tell us that Joseph Smith was the last prophet.
Racist Americans.
no go home towel head , beat you wife in your own country. Keep the thing covered up
Pwetty scarves.....
thin cool cotton fabrics.
Turbans and beards
Oh boy....another question about religion......
The call of prayer five times a day with the positive response of the muslim towards it.
curry cause i smell them before i see them
T.E. Lawrence then algebra and our numbering system, especially zero.
Arabs in turbans...
Arianism. Reworked Bible.
going out and get girls
they are a bunch or rapists. They all buy whores every chance they get, Its pathetic how you towel heads perve on women
brainwashed and insecure
Bowing to Mecca five times a day.
Erm... Muslims?
Mussels. (Honestly, that was the first thing that came to my mind....maybe both words got mixed up inside my brain for a fraction of a second)
A burka (Sp.)
Humans beings just like the rest of us.
The Qur'an...
The opening image of Bill Bixby's "The Incredible Hulk" series. "Danger! Anger!"
A word with so many connotations it is difficult to truly trust anyones definition.
deserts - apparently I watch too many movies.
arabs, ishmael, hagar... abrahams son by a bond woman...a great nation of descendants ,but not of God's Promise to abraham and Sarah of the Savior.. :)
+5. Wonderful and friendly people that love and serve God. This is what most are but sadly the terrorists make it bad for the majority. I am Christians and our TV evangelists make it bad for us.
Vitamin D deficiency
My oldest brother.
Jihad/Hissy Fits.
Rocky road ice cream... ben & jerry's
Those who are submitted to God.
Love, peace, kindness, happiness forever if you lived in the world in the way that preached by the Last Messenger Muhammad (PBUH).
[In the following order..] Beasts of burden (of faith) Terrorists Owners of black potato sacks (their women) Sad people trapped in time-warp Noisy prayer routines Bad-breath in Ramadhan Unhappy where they are, AND tormented by other 'infidels' happiness... (Why? O Allah, why! Thank you Allah x5 a day)
MUSLIM: Mad, Uncivilised Savages Living In Misery * ISLAM: Inciting Slaughter, Loot And Mayhem * JIHAD: Join In Hatred And Death
oneness of almighty....
Dirt bag terrorist..
Soon, we shall all suffer the hadud.
I want to get to know them more.
Good People, Always willing to help another soul. Always forever smiling and happy with their lives. God fearing and honest. But when you say Arabs .......the first thing that comes to my mind is Losers !
Religion screws up everything.
Japan ! Japan is Islam without Muslims ! I mean they have Islamic Ethics without believes !
Reminds me of a cartoon showing Allah buggering the faithful bent in prayer and Mohammad buggering Allah standing! * The order of the latter two may be different, but so long as the faithful as sho le is in the front ‘receiving end’, it’s the same difference! * The disadvantages of the position of 'the faithful bent in prayer' are threefold. (1) The blind-believer can't breathe freely, or see the truth of knowledge, (2) His/her assh ole is the most accessible part of the body-anatomy (3) S/he can't see WHO is screwing him/her (Mohammad, Alla, Mulla or infidel)! * That's true submission!
Believers in a faith originating in Arabia in the seventh century CE. They consider the merchant Muhammad as their prophet, who brought a revelation from the deity via an angel. These revelations are known as Quran, the book itself being considered sacred by Muslims. They worship five times daily facing the city of Mecca. +4
NO sense of humor and making fools of themselves the world over over nice cartoon in Jyl land Post en!
Wafa Sultan's interview on Al Jazira TV about pseudo-clash of civilizations! * com/watch?v=2WLoasfOLpQ
I wish I could have a different answer and I know I'm gonna get down rated for this but in all honesty the first thing that came to my mind was: Terrorist +5
‘SAD BUTTS’ Seriously barbaric people trapped in a time-warp Anti-infidel but hypocrites & parasites on infidels Dull beasts of burden (of faith) Bad-breathed owners of smelly black potato sacks (their women) esp. in Ramadhan Unhappy where they are, Terrorists & Tormented by 'infidels' happiness(Why? O Allah, why!) Silly and noisy prayer & pilgrimage routines (Thank you Allah x5 a day)
Those two libtard airheads from Scandinavia, that went to Morocco, and helped the islamaholics make a video of them getting their heads sawed off with a dull butcher knife, while they squealed and gurgled. Ya gotta love them muslim snuff films! Ain't nothing says 'religion of peace' like lotsa squealing and gurgling.
Terrorists and brainwashed to be violent
You're trying to start a racial issue that should have died out 8 years ago.
terrorists the grubs dropping rubbish all over the ground or breaking glass at the beech. Deport them all back to the rubbish dump country they come from. Why does a towel head move to a western country then think it has the right to change things? They are pieces of rubnbish look at how they beat their ugly women, muslem women are the uglyest things on the planet
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