I always feel like somebodys watching me! JK
talking to women...
the sound of car's brakes behind me, i had accident two years ago when there was a speedy car behind me, suddenly i heard the sound of the brakes and then BOOOOM,
Birds. Nor one or two, thats okay. But when there is a whole flock, Yikes! I don't know it just really grosses me out for some reason.
A plane will crash into my house
Running out of toilet paper.
Dill pickles.
I'm scared of the Easter Bunny. The creepy guy that dresses in the bunny suit. Yeah, it's terrifying.
Dirty looking shoes. When I see a pair, especially a pair on me, I want to kick them off immediately, go home, and slip into shoes that are well-shined :
I have several but mainly... Being fat or becoming fat and being alone (as in without a s/o)
little pig robinson. i think i must have seen a vidoe of it when i was young seriously, it makes me hate pigs and has extended my fear of humans dressed as animals to the fox off the Foxy Bingo adverts. creeeeeeeepy
Pink seafood or fish. It is just wrong. I will not eat it.
Whales. I am terrified.
Clowns. Gosh I hate Clowns. Ever since I saw Stephen King's "Pennywise the Clown" I've been scared of them. Even clown dolls and pictures - simply EVERYTHING to do with them (including Circuses).
Iran's Ahmadinajad is the second to the North Koraen Leader-"Kim Il Song", which means in their brothers' language-in Turkish-"He who bites"!
This is going to sound very stange but I can not walk down our hall way at night with out a light on. I just get the feeling something is behind me or watching me. So yes ladies and gentlemen, I am a 19 year old scared of the dark
Being hugged.
The hours of 4-6pm daily... hate them. Im not being funny.
I will not step foot in any body of water where I cannot see the bottom. Pools and hot tubs no problem, Clear oceans beaches only up to knee deep and anything else no way in hell.
Anything that has things sticking out of it. Like tires for a four wheeler. They have those big long pieces of rubber like big pointy bug legs sticking out all over them. Or the long brush-like thing where the paper comes out of a laser printer. That looks like bug legs, too. So do stitches. Pretty much anything that looks like bug legs!
cotton balls I HATE THEM i cannot touch them most the time when i see them i freak out
Canned biscuits. Seriously. I make my husband open them because they just scare me to death if they burst open in my hand. I want the good old days when they were a lot tougher and you had to whomp them on the edge of the counter! :-)
Questions like this one. ; ))
I really don't think I have any pervasive fears.
peeing my pants in front of someone at school! idk why but just thinking about it makes me cringe.
pine cones!!! don't ask why!!
celery-it's too stringy and wants to choke me to death beetroot-it's just not the right colour to be eaten potato salad-what is with that all put together makes me genuinely unable to look at a salad bar in a self-service resteraunt
Ok, yes, I know, this one is strange, I can't stand food on my plate touching. Fried chicken and mashed potatoes doesn't bother me, more like corn and mashed potatoes. That completely urks me. :)
I do have a few in my life I actually like.jeanie16 thank you.
I do have a few in my life I like,jeanie16 thank you.
i sooo agree with being terrified of anything that has thngs sticking out of most recent horror with this has been the little helicopter thngs from trees stuck in my neighbors gutters!! i am about to puke thinking about them!
Eyes, i get my friends to watch films before me if i think there may be an eye scene!!
CottonBalls. And people sitting near me when i'm eating. Can't stand either of them.
Being caught with a booger on my nose, I check my nose constantly for fear of one being there. Not as bad now as I was when I was in school & I can't stand to see anyone with booger or runny nose(gag) Really makes me want to puke, my poor son I kept a tissue when he was little to get them off.
it use to be doughnuts but i conquered that. i still dislike earwigs
Hair in a brush makes me gag, so I try to avoid it when I can
Canelopes and mustard
Backwash or mashed up food combined with saliva in peoples mouths. Everytime I see backwash in someones drink or when people chew with their mouth open I dry reach...
Cobwebs. I find them completely repulsive. If I touch one by mistake I nearly puke.
spiders anything related to them odd numbers eating things in odd numbers
I am scared to death of dogs, no matter what the size. I will, literally, climb the person standing next to me at the sight of a chihuahua.
haha sadly I'm afraid of the boogieman. I saw the movie boogieman 2 when it first came out and seriously instant fear of the dark, and constant paranoia.
I am terrified of moths and butterflies. Teriffied.. >-> With a capital "HOLY SHIT, GET IT OFF!"
dolls, action figures or stuff animals in a large amount. it freaks me out, i start thinking that they will come alive and attack or even kill me. its my brothers fault and til this day i still have that phobia. i tried to face it and i lost my mind and it took me almost two days to get over it. I even stop watching cartoons because of all the doll commericals at night. im 20 and it still makes me break down and freak out.
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