Beer would be better, I'm not a big fan of wine :-p
Of course he would be a good part guest. I mean think about it people are 60% water thus making Jesus 60% drunk all the time. When Jesus drinks water, he drinks wine. He is like King Midas only with wine.
It depends what kind of wine he could turn water into. If I made fish for dinner and then he turned some water into merlot. Wow, that would be a disaster.
Remember that last party Jesus attended? Something had to be wrong for all the disciples to be sitting on the same side of the table and all looking at each other funny! Wonder what was in their cups? And the answer to your question,Jesus was the guest of Honor at that party so any other party would have to be a blast.
am not sure but he would he would be good on jerry springer marry is joseoph the farther lol dna revealed thaen once they found out god is then you could amagin it couldnt you jesus 30 yers later cryin sayin a never new my farther lol
I believe he would bring a spirit.
Sounds like it. All my party guests ever did was turn wine into pee.
He did at a wedding (John 2:9) and saved the day!
Well, I heard the ridiculous tale, from one of the alleged uber-Christians here, that the wine Jesus created from water for the wedding feast at Cana, was actually nothing more than grape juice because Jesus did not consume alcohol.
If that was the only reason why you invited Jesus to the party, I would imagine He wouldn't attend. Stop being a cheap party host and buy your own wine.
The good is he might be able to get everyone drunk with unlimited wine and make unlimited pizzas for everyone but then he hangs out all night showing everyone his scars and cock-blocking everyone and reminding them how he died so we could have the party....not to mention church organ music just doesn't make up for a good DJ.
Hell yeah!! I knew Jesus was good for something!
As long as he leaves my beer alone, he's welcome;)
with his feet
If I had the chance to hang with Jesus I don't think I'd choose a party setting. But I can't say he'd be a bad party guest.
The best.
He did, once.
I must say, this is a disgusting question.
Disrespectful question. Jesus the Christ is your God and your Creator. He condescended to live as a human only to die as the sacrifice for sinners like you and me. His miracle had nothing to do with entertaining people at a party. But it was the first of many miracles that would mark His three years of ministry leading to His death. Only a mind still clouded by the darkness of his own sin could find humor in suggesting such a disrespectful question to his own God and Creator. Confess your sin to God.
For some reason I'm thinking of an Olympic Size swimming pool...
Jesus was accused by some in the Bible to be a wine bibber, a drunk because He went to dinner partys over at the tax collectors house's, and sinners homes. He didn't go there to get tanked on beer or wine. He went there to show Gods love for those who would listen, and accept it.
Yea, we could set his girly robe on fire and watch him trying to put it out.
If a man could actually transform water into wine, he would be in great demand at all parties. A magician can perform such tricks.
Jesus was balanced, loving and positive (Mat 7:12). I would invite him to all of my gatherings.
i think so
Jesus Christ was a fun loving man He loved to laugh and enjoy life. A marriage party was a time of great joy in His world. Wine was the main and safest drink at that time.
Of course, Jesus turned water into wine as a generous gift at a marriage feast. As partiers ask: "What's a party without alcohol?" The answer is to drink in moderation to make life more enjoyable. 1 Timothy 5:23 "No longer continue drinking [only] water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses."
Sure wish I had some miracle wine. :P
I can turn water into wine, too. Just add sugar and yeast and give it a couple of weeks!
He would make the best friend in your heart
Hell yeah. He's the first on my invite list
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