Dark blue jeans
Blue does not blend well with green, and jeans are not dress wear.
Beige. (getting ready for St. Patrick's Day, are we?)
black or beige.
Ivory or black.
dark tan? or cork
You could definitely wear black.
Really any color, except plaid. (And that may even work if it is a dark green plaid!)
Seems to me almost any color would go well with dark green (with the possible exception of some purples).
Red clashes with green.
In my world, green goes with everything.
Not in mine!
If your school has a uniform requirement try and coordinate with that. If not browns, beige, or navy.
Light sea green.
Good grief, a teacher asking for advice on taste!
Brown, tan, white or light to medium grey!
any color you want
probably whatever color you want
Brown is a good choice. Black might do, but a lighter color is better for contrast.
Browns work well with greens. Tan is good too. Rust can work.
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