the fact that its sitting outside, broken-down, right now.
The remote broke and now I have to use the key to unlock it.
It plays high school musical 2 cd for my sister repeatedly ...
My motor to my Windshield wipers went out -- Hi there peterpam + 5
It refuses to keep itself clean.
That it runs on diesel and used to make it a very economical car to operate.
Its gold grandma
That I don't have one.
It has a BAD oil leak that I can't fix and can't afford to get fixed.
The key fob thingy doesn't work to unlock the door. No it is not the batteries, it is the sensor in the door. Ford wants way to much to fix it.
I can't convince her to drink something other than petrol....
Only that it uses gas (petrol). There is no excuse on this earth why we don't have electric cars available to everyone. I have known people to convert their engines to run on cooking oil, but do not have the mechanical ability myself.
Heat doesnt work
There is a "Max Volume" for the stereo.
it runs on gasoline >.<
nothing! at 38 years of age I have never in my life owned or driven a car. I am a taker of busses...
The fact that I will still be making payments on it for another 3.5 years.
My payment but other than that I love my car!
The "theft" engaged a few months ago and I have not been able to drive it since (luckily I have two other cars to use).
As I've already posted somewhere here, the sunroof of my '98 Accord leaks a little when it rains. Also, the power steering squeals when I make a turn, and there's that nagging rattle when i make a u-turn even at low speeds. The mechanics told me i need new cv joints.
I want it to get 8,000 miles per gallon and run on water.
I hate the fact that I pay almost as much for insurance and gas as I do for the car itself.
The fact that it's purple.
The driver side heated seat isn't functioning properly >:(
My car is old enough to vote.
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