I'm not to good at english myself, but I no that their r alot of poeple that r alot better then me! Is that grammer bad enough 4 u :-)
My biggest pet peeve is when there is incorrect agreement between components of speech. Example: Incorrect: If you love someone, set them free. Correct: If you love someone, set him (or her) free. Reason: someone is SINGULAR, them is PLURAL, so you must you him (or her) instead of "them." That drives me nuts!
A lot of them Answerbag questions is hard to understand when they got bad grammar and spelling and punctuation. A lot of those Answerbag questions are hard to understand when they have bad grammar, spelling and punctuation.
"At." As in, "Where do you live at?" Or, "Do you always know where your kids are at?" DO NOT end a sentence in a preposition. "At" is a preposition. It sounds uneducated and lazy.
I don't got some no bad grammar.
I speak good, and dont say i dont do it good neither.
- nuff said, yo.
Ain't isn't a word and I ain't gonna say it.
Where you stay at?
The one that drives me nutty is when people used the word "heared" (which is not a real word!) instead of "heard". I heared her tell that joke. Grrrrr!!
I SEEN you yesterday. No, I SAW you yesterday. So many people I know use that! ARGH! Also, "I have a pitcher for you of the boys"...a pitcher of boys? What is that, a glass pitcher full of males??? Oh, you mean PICTURE....I see....
Ending a sentence with a preposition.
Conference I got looking at the dates and I went and looked at the board of donations and come 17th I am going have to start ordering , like the steaks , the chicken even tough Dave got chicken salad and items the fixing for the hot dogs the chicken it’s not of the oven baked fried chicken. I am going have to start placing my orders that will allow the vendors 12 business day to work on ordering and finding us the best prices , I defiantly have to order the paper goods. I should do that as of now to be of safe we get it of on time from Horizon I need some numbers come 17th and I will add a 100 more even if we don’t gain a 100 more that will get used by the student in the home, follow me or should I go with figuring 200 more with the count given on the 16th ? Tom Montena Operations
whats that for? where are you going to? (same poor use of grammar)
Anytime people say, "I seen...." Or anytime a person "axes" a question.
Do people actually out those phrases in writing, or are they only spoken? -
Hardcore Conservative
I see "I seen" all the time in writing.
It was a horrible situation, that.
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