• Maybe I'm retarded. Your ex is putting you down because you play the drums?
  • Patti Jo - Just remember why you or he left. they were obviously good reasons if this is how he makes you feel.Although I am not sure what playing the drums has to do with it. but bang them all day to relieve the stress.
  • Oh hon, I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through that!! He's not making you feeling threatened physically I hope...and if that happens PLEASE call the police right away!! Have you looked into local support groups to help you through this process? You've come this far and you will make it!! Just remember if you need to talk I am right here!! ((Hugs))
  • Patti Jo! Only little boys play those playground games. You are moving on in your life and he is holding you back! It's about time he climbs off your shoulders Darlin! :) Don't let him drag you down!! You are too good of a person to be drug down! Shake him off!! We will be here for ya! I've walked in your same shoes! Take care of yourself! (((((hugs))))))
  • You can choose to listen to him or not to, Patti Jo. And, you can choose to believe what he says or not to. Whatever you perceive about yourself becomes your reality. Do you understand? You're saying that because you learned to play drums at 50 that you aren't a worthless person? Of course you aren't. He obviously is though.
  • You always have our support, Pattijo;)
  • You are an awesome lady....don't worry about him and his immature games
  • Patti Jo, I am so sorry this happened to you. My ex husband used to show up where I worked all the time and do the same thing. He would get into fights with me in the parking lot. All I could do was stand there and cry. So, I know where you're coming from. After a while I just learned to hold my head high and not let him get to me. It was hard, but I did it. I KNOW you can do the same Patti Jo. You have to kind a heart to let this guy break it anymore than he already has. Hold your head high and beat those drums! (((((hugs))))
  • How do we fall in love with people who later turn out to be so bad for us? 50% of marriages end in divorce--and even experience teaches us nothing--60% (sixty per cent!) of second marriages fail. Three or four of the answerers to this question imply that they've gone through the same thing. - Just go your own way, Patti Jo. Ignore this jerk. Think about the emotion and energy that he is wasting on trying to hurt you. - You did nothing to him, and yet he just wants to hurt you. Why?
  • you dont need to listen to this freak. remember he is your X always remember also you are a lady.. and as many ladies should learn KICK THE BASTARD TO THE CURB!! i know from experience. get on with your life. play those drums and enjoy your life
  • I *dare* you to make less sense. What does one have to do with the other?!?!
  • Don't let someone's words shake you. We know you're a good person, and so do you. Send that S.O.B. my way and I'll smack the pores off his face. My pleasure.
  • Tell him to BEAT IT!
  • Patti Joe, I am proud of you in learning the drums at 50 and he is obviously a loser. How did your ex find you? I will be praying for you, for I am still healing from one. I had an ex boyfriend who treated me like crap and I know that deserved to be treated better. He was a loser. I am also having to deal with a co worker who feels that because our days off were switched from him having Thur & Fri off to Sat & Sun starting next week, that I am interfering in his life, for his relationship is in jeopardy for his girlfriend is complaining of him not spending enough time with her. She at least sees him once a week and how is this my fault? I will not allow a man any man cause me to feel guilty, even though he hurt my feeling and is just giving me the cold shoulder. It was management's decision, for I am having difficulty financially and I can't afford to lose my Sunday Premium, which is $8 each Sunday. Neither he or myself need to lose our Sunday premium and it was only temporary until our maintenance crew at work is fully staffed or at least has more maintenance people. He now does not want to work with me and it hurts. I did not do this to cause a problem him and his relationship with his girlfriend. She also works at the same place I say, three cheers for you ! Don't let him get the best of you either. I will do my best to not let my co worker get the best of me either. God bless you Patti Jo.

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