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there is one here
i do
I wear panties every day. To conserve water and energy I get the “second wearing”. This means that my wife wears the panties on day one; I wear them on day two. This is one of her recycling ideas.
I wear them every day . . . space limitations prevent me form describing how much fun I have being and dressing like a SLUT.
I wear my own panties 24/7 & i enjoy it everyday.
I do, I wear panties everyday, life without panties is misery.
What was that mate, how many other guys are waiting for panties?
I do to. I love it.
im only 17, and have a g/f who dosnt support it. :( I love her more then anything but should i be misserable for it?
Well you have to decide if you can live with out it. Or at least do it when she's around. You should be true to yourself but you shouldn't give up a good thing over something small.
i do i love it and my wife knows to she supports me all the way its made us more happier too:)
Do you two wear matching panties? Hubby and I do! 😘😍
just try and stop me
Mickie, I started wearing female clothes when I was 14. Now, 23 years later I'm Sara and looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend. I'm bi-sexual and would love to chat more with you. I added you to my MSN. Hope you don't mind. Sara.
I can understand because women's underwear is just softer fabric etc. against sensitive areas
yes i wear them 24/7 i have around 50 pairs including thongs, biknis, pantyhouse and plaind panties, wearing panties makes me feel sexy, they are very comfy and comfertable i hate mens ugly underwears
I wear them everyday.
count me in too id dress fem every day if i could
Yes, all the time. They feel so nice on me.
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