Yeah, and theres a ladder so Bigfoot, Nessie and the crew can all go party with their extra-terrestrial homies!
No it's my base the aliens just run it for me
MMMMMM, Why do you ask? Uhhhhh, just give us your address. . we'll have some people there right away to "explain". Ummmmmm, where did you hear about this? Can you provide names, descriptions of the people and addresses? Nevermind, We have traced your IP address. Don't make us knock on the door, just open it.
There i a base on the dark side of the moon. We call it Luna. It is a base discovered by the first two Apollo mission's. When the Astronauts flew over the area to film they saw Structures and ships on a ledge of a crater. When the Orbiter landed, the men were being watched by the aliens from a short distance. It's not clear how long they actually stayed but Neil Armstrong says that they were warned to leave. We have not been back to the moon since then. Nasa and the government have known about them for decades but we have no control over their activites. Some of you may remember the live broadcasts of shuttle mission. They stopped suddenly because their was too much alien craft activity every time they go up, there are many ships in our orbit coming and going as they please. We are a mere curiosity to them. Like ants to us. Their technology is far superior to ours and we wouldnt stand a chance against them if they turned hostile. That's the truth whether you believe it or not. G!
I do not believe a word of such a wild tale! -
we are dough 68
I do.
duh of course! where do you think women come from!?
we are dough 68
Venus ?
NO, of course not. Interstellar travel is just juvenile fantasy. ET aliens can never come to Earth or Moon.
we are dough 68
He He He !!! How little you know.
Not any more. We closed all operations in the Earth year 1634, due to the lack of interesting lunar activity. There are no future plans to return.
Why not?
Maybe. I can only wonder if there is.
I can't think of anything to say except I think it's marvelous.
Actually it's a railroad station, they run the old western trains
not that i know of
Oh I do hope so !
If there is they may be the coolest aliens around. Have you checked the weather condition there lately?
Sure, and Wi-Fi is readily available!
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