Need more details, please. For what purpose? Are you trying to show data from a database table? Or are you just talking about creating an HTML table that can be changed on the fly?
You can get the free source code to generate dynamic table at Also learn database connectivity with SQL Server and MS Access.
Are talking about the database table or the HTML table.
public void CreateDynTable(int count,string RowDes,int rowNumber) { TableRow trow = new TableRow(); TableCell tcell1 = new TableCell(); TableCell tcell2 = new TableCell(); Label lbl1 = new Label(); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl1.ID = "count" + rowNumber; lbl1.Attributes.Add("runat", "Server"); lbl1.Attributes.Add("Name", "count" + rowNumber); //Text Value lbl1.Text = count + "."; lbl2.ID = "reqDesc" + rowNumber; lbl2.Attributes.Add("runat", "Server"); lbl2.Attributes.Add("Name", "reqDesc" + rowNumber); //Text Value lbl2.Text = reqDesc; tcell1.Controls.Add(lbl1); tcell1.Style["VERTICAL-ALIGN"] = "top"; tcell2.Controls.Add(lbl2); trow.Cells.Add(tcell1); trow.Cells.Add(tcell2); Table1.Rows.Add(trow); }
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