I look terrible in any shade of brown so I never wear it. I also don't wear the color red cause it reminds me of blood.
I wouldn't say I would absolutely not wear it but I'm not fond of safety-cone orange.
Yellow is not my color
UCLA colors
pastel pink....and yet I've had to for 3 weddings....thus my bridesmaid rant on my profile... I have cruel, cruel, cruel friends
Orange just does not look good on me yellow isn't really my colour either
I will not wear brown at all! EVER !! Brown makes me feel like a giant turd !! I HATE it !!
transparent. lol ok I usually like either darker or lighter shade of most colors so I might not wear the 'not dark' or 'not light' color or normal color that's in b/w.
Lot of people seem to not want to wear brown..... I'll wear brown, they can wear purple. 'cuz I aint never gonna.
Yellow makes me look jaundice so I don't own anything yellow. Too bad because I love yellow.
i wear every colour of the rainbow and more, but i don't wear some combinations. like black and yellow together. that is not my style. or hard pink and soft pink together. i am not Barbie.
i wouldn't wear colour pink to go out in lol
puke green
I have two, purple and yellow. I'm not crazy about either color.
brown(s) matter what shade ..I still look like a giant turd when I wear that colour
Pink... I'm not a pink or purple person...
flourescent pink!!!!
Highlighter Yellow. It's a bit loud!
I don't think there's a color I won't wear, though there are patterns you won't catch me dead in. Paisley, for example.
BRIGHT ORANGE, unless I'm in the bush and it is hunting season. =)
Any color, just not big on certan patters...plaid comes to mind.
Yellow first then pink...anything too bright, lol
I try to avoid primary colors. I don't mind lighter or darker versions of yellow, red, and blue though.
Shocking Pink.
Pink. I don't care how "in" it is, it looks retarded on guys.
Any bright neon colors.
- mother bred the hatred of yellow in all her children. i think because it represents happiness.
I used to say "oh I'll never wear pink, it's far too fratty and preppy." But I occasionally wear it anyways. Red makes my face look stupid, and purple is just hideous.
Green or yellow there not my favorite.
Green. It does not suit my personality.
Pink, not me
Pink! Vikings never wear pink! Nor do ninjas or Samurais or Spartans! We beat up guys who wear pink! Pink brings out rage in us when worn by a man! So we must beat them until their blood turns their clothes a different color! (Preferably red!)
I will absolutely not, under any circumstances wear sky blue, and the same goes for lime green.
orange .. it just looks weird with the blonde hair and the tan skin .. besides, i've always thought it's an ugly color
Yellow :)
Rosa with green dots.
lets see....i dont like Yellow. I'm going with Yellow. All other colors i'm okay with
Pink. I hate pink. Pink is evil.
Pink! Not a chance!
Bright orange!
Red. YUCK !! And it's the colour of my most hated football teams.
There is no color I won't wear.
Pink -- even if you re-name it "lightish red"...
i dont look good in red.
I used to say I probably answered this question already and said orange! But I take it back. I am now the owner of an orange-ish shirt, and I quite like it.
Orange, because I am a red head.
I will wear any color if the item looks good
Pillar Box Red it clashes with my hair.
I wouldn´t ever wear pink, because it looks dirty and childish.
Most flashy colors like pink, yellow or orange.
Green! Who looks good in green?
Pink and Yellow
Orangeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!HATE!!!! I AM LIKE AN ORANGE IF I WORE A AN ORANGE SHIRT!!
Fire-engine red, yellow-orange, bland blue, a white shirt with black pants (unless required at a job), any color if it has a pattern of tiny little flowers.
Yellow. :P
I dont know that I have one I wont wear - but if I had to pick a color I could never wear again it would be navy blue
Yellow - ugh!
flesh colored clothes
I don't like bright, florescent colors
Yellow. I hate yellow. Actually...anything pastel.
beige ewwww
Yellow, I look hideous in it.
Nope. I love them all!
no i will wear them all
I never thought about it before but I guess purple. My closet has one purple shirt and I only wear it if there is nothing else...
not refuse but dislike..PINK
Tan or skin tones.
multi, never again i will ever wear it a kid said are you in the gay pride parade once
Yellow yuck!
Barf green. lol
You make people barf. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
And you're the definition of barf. LOL -
Beaker Five-O
GIRLS !! Fight nicely or you'll get no supper !! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
JJ, don't get the wrong impression. Venus 1485 does not have anything structural to add in our conversations. She expresses herself with vulgarity. As you see, she is in my comments.
Brown, and I try not to wear a lot of black.
Violet or purple tones!
Jenny The Great ⭐
Like a delicate flower you are.
red and most things with a pattern. I like pain colors no patterns, especially flowers.
Pink and light blue
I will absolutely not ever wear pink ! So don't even ask, it ain't gonna happen ... ever !
Linda Joy
Did my comment get deleted or did I forget to finish posting it? -
Ice man
I saw no comment, so you probably didn't hit the comment button. -
Ice man or Linda Joy, my question about Answerbag ratings was maliciously reported by ReiSan. This is what it says: The Answerbag question #3510946 page is not available at the moment. Queued for spidering. Please check back soon." -
I categorized the question under "Answers and Ratings," so the question was asked properly as a congratulations question by ratings. I received a lot of helpful answers and the next thing you know, the question gets deleted. My apologies for leaving a few comments here, but it's the only place I can get a hold of you two. -
So, you cannot take the heat, so do not enter the kitchen. You maliciously report me often. I have the same rights you do.
Florescent green
Linda Joy
Lol so if I crocheted a fluorescent green hat for you and sent it to you, you'd refuse to wear it? -
Actually if it were a gift from someone I respect like you, I would wear it. : )
Yellow is not a good color on me. I'm too pale. But I don't refuse to wear it.
Color purple and for sure not pink. Only once before I was a kid had to wear a pink shirt. I was not happy on that idea.
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