Yes, and yes.
being an Aussie I can only offer my opinion as to what I think ...NO you should not be allowed to carry a concealed weapon of any kind .. BUT you should be allowed to carry a weapon in plain view ... I can not and have not ever seen the point of hiding a gun ..whats the point , you are more likely to put of someone else from doing anything against you if they see you are armed ...make them think twice .. to me thats logical
I, myself, should not be allowed within 500 feet of any weapon, but concealed, NO
No, I think that other people should have the right to be around no weapons, to have the the freedom to not be afraid that someone may whip out a weapon at any time.
Yes, I do... provided that they have proven themselves to be competent, responsible, and sane. A gun safety course (a REAL one, not like our laughable driver's license testing) wil give competence A clean criminal record and proof of ownership of a gun safe and/or trigger locks help with proving responsibility, and a clean psychiatric history... well I think we ALL know why that is good. Yes, they do.
Does "right" mean just stick a weapon (how do you define weapon?) in your pocket and walk around? Or does it mean subject to testing, licensing, fees, "rules of the road", and subsequent relicensing?
but getting back to your presumed point. most states in the U.S. limit the size of knives, saps, etc. that can be carried and there are Federal and state laws regrarding firearms.
There are two armed, the other not. I think it has to do with where you were raised and what kind of parents you have..if you were raised with guns as a natural part of your daily life, then you have a different perspective on their value than if you were raised by parents who didn't believe that people should be armed. I don't think you can escape your either believe in owning a gun and having the right to protect yourself by carrying it or you believe that being armed exacerbates the problem..I'm not sure there is an in-between! :(
I suppose people should have the right to, but ONLY -AFTER- they have gone through a freaking exhaustive background check, extensive safety programs and training, and such... From my view down here in Australia, the gun laws (or gun control) in the USA are FAR too relaxed... They are weapons designed specifically for killing things... not wounding, but 'killing'... Agh, it's even worse when people think there's nothing at all wrong with using hollow-points on people... They are banned in military use specifically because they are designed to make hits as devastating as possible, with death pretty much inevitable if it hits your torso or head : / Bah, whatever...
I don't see an issue with the concealed part. If everyone wears them outside of thier clothes then the crooks will know who can be robbed and who can not. A concealed carry permit should be required and issued only when the proper training is completed, not only if the person is "clean".
With proper licensing and training, I do believe people should have the right to carry a concealed weapon. Of course, there are a whole lot more weapons than just firearms, and just about anything can be used as a weapon, so it can be argued that everyone carries a concealed weapon of some kind...
I don't think people should have the right to carry a weapon. I think it is foolish and unneccessary. There is really NO need for a citizen to do so. The ONLY people who should be allowed to carry are law enfocement officers and those in the military. My state does allow citizens to carry. This law contributes to the high murder rate in Philly.
I live in Tennessee and as long as I qualify in the eyes of the state of Tennessee I feel the state gave me the right to go armed. I am a legal licensed gun carrying citizen. If I mess up and don't follow the letter of the law....I will go to jail. I don't carry it looking for a chance to use it. I never want to use it, but I will if I think someone will kill me for what I have.
Yes I think you should be allowed. But I would rather people not carry one...I'm a lover not a fighter
I think no one should have the right to carry one for the majority that appose it have their rights trampled on.It works two ways,not just one,the gun owners point of view.
Wow. I would have thought Missouri would have been more relaxed than that.Thanks for the comment
Yes, I think anyone that goes through the proper steps and gets the proper licenses, they should be allowed to carry. The places you can carry a concealed handgun are limited. Most places put big signs up that you can't carry there. I live in Texas, and everyone thinks we are gun toteing nuts anyways.
Sure, as long as you have the proper training. I live in Florida and yes, if you have a permit then you can carry one, or two, or three....
I say NO. I'm gonna ask a question about this actually.
yes! and yes!
I have mixed feelings....and yes my state does allow concealed carry. Myself, I could easily get a liscense to do so...with no issues what so ever, not that I would.
Both North Carolina ( the State I just left ) and Texas ( my new State of residence ) allow concealed carry, after completion of a training program and supervised practice with the Weapon. I had a concealed carry permit in North Carolina and will apply for one in Texas as soon as I am able. I was trained by the US Army in small arms handling and safety, and qualified "Expert" in virtually every weapon in the US arsenal ( and not a few that aren't ). I have been around weapons my entire life and have never discharged one in anger, other than while in combat.
Yeah we should be able to. I carry an ak 47 strapped to my leg everywhere i go! Bush for president! YEAH! JK JK JK JK JK JK!
We should all have the right, and in Ohio, it is legal if you take certain classes and pass psychological evaluations and don't have a criminal history. I currently do not, I am lucky enough to live in a safe environment.
Most comments seem to favor carrying. Personally, I believe people should be licensed to carry, even to own. NOte, I'm not saying "register guns", I'm saying that before a person uses a gun he/she should have some idea what they're doing. So I would license people to handle guns. But, once they have learned to handle them, I have no trouble with permitting people to carry them, concealed or otherwise. In every state where carrying concealed weapons is permitted by law, the robbery rate is remarkably low. There must be a relationship.
my dad has a liscene to carry a concealed weapon. the other day i borrowed his car and he said to me whatever you do if you get pulled over dont reach for you purse! so no. hate to see someone with road rage and a concealed weapon.
My state does allow for the licensing of permits to conceal a handgun. I was licensed years ago with a Federal permit that allowed me to carry in any state and even on airplanes. At the time I had a need and reason. I have been well trained and am very experienced with firearms. One of the keys to training is to know how to avoid using one. With that said, some people with proper training and real need to carry, should be licensed. At this point, I have no need to carry, so I am no longer licenced. Though I do own firearms, and they are all secured.
Yes PA allows, If a criminal was about to mug you on a street, and then thought you might have a gun, i guarantee he won't even try. So if it were mandatory that everybody have a conceiled gun, it would cut down on crime. I believe this was proven in a certain part of Arizona.
yes, i know when i buy a gun itll be concealed, legal or not.
I believe in the right to own a weapon (gun) but I don't think carrying it concealed is a good idea. It means trouble.
YES!! I think all law biding citizens should be able to carry a concealed weapon. It is legal in Texas and since it became legal crime has gone down.
I live in Memphis, TN where many have gotten handgun carry permits allowing concealed carry. It has not been a problem. The permit holders are almost never involved in crime, do not cause trouble, and occasionally stop a violent crime. What has changed is the lack of predictability of who criminals should pick to rob. Recent FBI stats show the number of justified homicides has gone up in the last ten years while the number of murders has gone down a little (after you factor in the increase in population). Credit the increase in the states allowing concealed carry and the increase in permit holders for this. Fewer deaths and more of them are the right people dying. Take it from someone who had a family member murdered 10 years ago, this is a good thing. E. Zach Lee-Wright
Mine does and occasionally I do. 11 years with a concealed carry license and no "incidents".
I think you should be able to carry at least a knife (without permit) on you, ONLY if you have no assault charges on you, or even pertaining to anything similar. I'm pretty sure MI allows it.
Not a concealed weapon but a knife or small pistol. that can be seen.
Yes and Yes my state requires that you take a class which is only a day's class and you can get a license to carry a concealed weapon.
Yes. My state does and I have a concealed carry permit.
Yes I do and yes they do. I carry every time I leave the house. So does my wife. There are some very bad people out there in the world. We want a fighting chance. I DON'T carry a gun... … to kill people. I carry a gun to keep from being killed. I don’t carry a gun to scare people. I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place. I don’t carry a gun because I’m paranoid. I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world. I don’t carry a gun because I’m evil. I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world. I don’t carry a gun because I hate the government. I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government. I don’t carry a gun because I’m angry. I carry a gun so that I don’t have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared. I don’t carry a gun because my sex organs are too small. I carry a gun because I want to continue to use those sex organs for the purpose for which they were intended for a good long time to come. I don’t carry a gun because I want to shoot someone. I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon. I don’t carry a gun because I’m a cowboy. I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a cowboy. I don’t carry a gun to make me feel like a man. I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love. I don’t carry a gun because I feel inadequate. I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate. I don’t carry a gun because I love it. I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.
yes on both counts sweet t
I live in England and we can not have guns with or with out licences, I think it is fine for certain people to carry concealed weapons but it all depends who. Guns don't scare me people do!!
I absolutely believe that unless you've proven yourself a threat to society. New Hampshire allows for it.
In Arizona, you're encouraged to carry your handgun openly.
course it is damn you need a concaled gun to keep the hippys and thiefs away.
Sure, as long as you have the proper training. I live in Florida and yes, if you have a permit then you can carry a concealed weapon.
In the US about 40 of 50 states allow all citizens (with training and no criminal record)get handgun concealed carry permits. Only two states prohibit all concealed carry, one is Illinois with Chicago complaining a lot about gun crime. New York City, and Los Angeles oppose citizen carry and have lots of gun crimes. States that have switched to allowing concealed carry in the past 10 years have seen reductions in unlawful shootings, not increases. The population that gets permits seems to top out at about 3% but the effect on criminals is that they cannot predict who carries thereby reducing crime. Dire predictions by gun controllers of wild shootings by permit holders have been proven untrue. It would make sense for NY, Chicago, and LA to allow more carry permits but leadership refuses to grasp the concept that citizens have the ability, right, and opportunity to protect themselves. They want citizens to rely on the police who "when seconds count will be there in minutes". They are afraid of their own citizens. E. Zach Lee-Wright
Linda Joy
Good answer!
In my state, I'm not allowed to carry a knife longer than 3 inches long, yet I can conceal a gun to be brought out at my own discretion. I feel we should "have the right"; however, I also see that most that "feel the need" are NOT "stable" enough to carry!!! I don't want to go back to the days of the old west. I also don't "want to carry", but it will get to the place where I'll "need to carry". 😖
People in general, yes. Me personally - it depends on the day! And I don't know if I'm allowed or not. I've never tried. I had a bb rifle as a teen but have never owned another. My ex had one at one time. I keep various weapons placed around the house because I live alone, but not a gun. Alabama does have a concealed carry law. My son had a license at one time, but I've never known him to carry. His dad does. My son mentioned he was concerned with his dad's lack of safety, but then my son is liberal minded and fears much more than I do. I've shot target practice with a friend that had some guns.
Vermont has concealed carry without a permit. As long as a person can legally carry a weapon, that person can carry the weapon concealed (legally). Whether it's a good idea or not, who knows. It's kind of a non-issue here. There really are not any cities here, so, why would anyone conceal their weapon? So the black bears don't see it?
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