Spiders. I would face down a room full of bloodthirsty zombies before I'd face a room full of spiders. Seriously.
lizards. theyre mostly in florida but they are soo creepy.
claustrophobia I can't stand confined spaces of any kind.
I have an irrational fear of being dismembered by the undead remains of Ronald Reagan.
spiders. i've had panic attacks over it.
Spiders. Heights. The dark to a certain extent. Those are "normal" - now abnormal phobias are loose hairs (i.e.- on me or anything else), eating chicken meat off the bone and lastly the idea someone is watching me at the ATM.
I am afraid of crustaceans.
Worms*gag* maggots make me cringe.
I'm too scared to.
Spiders and heights...although I'd rather climb Everest than deal with spiders.
I'm crazy claustrophobic..In elementary school we had a baseball unit in Phys. Ed. and I had a panic attack in the baseball dug out..LOL..I also have an irrational fear of being smothered to death. I can't have anything covering my mouth and nose, or I freak..That happened once at the dentist office, which reminds me of another irrational fear..
social phobia
i am so scared of rings. Late at nite i am afraid that they are creepin around me. I am terrified to get married cuz then i hav to wear one, so i dont even talk to girls, i am kinda crazy...
I'm afraid of the ocean. Which is actually kind of lame because I live so close to it. =P
triptadeckophobia - the fear of running full speed backwards into a doorknob
Big flying roaches.
i am so scared of ur mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
aracnaphobia and claustraphobia. dont know if i spelt them right but spiders and small closed spaces.
*germs (can't touch hand rails, door knobs, counter tops public places) *I can't have my foods touch. Some can be mixed like in a salad but foods eaten seperately cannot touch on my plate, I usually eat out of bowls, a different food in each one *feet, they freak me out, I don't like anyone to touch mine or anyone's to touch me
Arachibutyrophobia its the fear of Peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
Fear of what's in the dark and fear of getting into trouble at school.
The possibility of losing my ability to think and reason coherently. ( I'n 65 )
I have a phobia of mustard ! lol
I have an intense fear of being closed in, small places. Claustrophobia is such a scary thing. When I was a kid, I knew my Dad had it. As I got older, in my late twenties early thirties I began having minor symptoms, feeling anxious in elevators, a need to have doors open in rooms where I was, uneasy feelings in places that I had to with no windows. When I broke my neck in 2003, I was in a traction device called a halo, in which it was attached to my head by four pins that were drilled into my skull. This unit was held in place by a vest with rods. During this time I became crazy with claustrophobia, I used to have panic attacks when I would feel the need to rip off the halo, couldn't go into MRI machines etc.. It seems that maybe I was predisposed to suffer with this affliction and that a trauma situation was responsible for sending me into an accute state of clausterphobia.
Im scared of chairs. I never sit down incase they break. I just sit on the floor. Plus on the floor there is always tasty snacks that people have dropped.
arachnaphobia. Spiders, could someone kill them all please?
I don't know if my phobias have official names I fear anything with more OR less than two legs I have a fear of running out of toilet paper in the house
I have a weird fear of loved ones choking on hard candy, also I have a fear of drowning (when in a large body of water) because I can't swim. Heights tend to freak me out too, (but not in an enclosed space, like a building)
I list them in importance of how much I want to get rid of: Imperative that I get rid of--social phobia Something I'll have to work through--walking on ice (but I don't have to worry about that, now) I'll have to battle, all my life--fear of failure I know at least, it's common--fear of dying alone I have no intentions of getting over--fear of childbearing
1. Germs- Mysophobia 2. Contracting a disease- Pathophobia 3. Public Restrooms- Civarestaphobia 4. Buffets/salad bars or free picking eating tables- Cibusalivaphobia 5. Insects, especially if they have more than 6 legs- Entomophobia 6. Spiders- Arachnophobia 7. Animals smaller than a squirrel besides reptiles and amphibians 8. Being touched by strangers- Aphenphosmphobia 9. Can elopes 10. Public swimming pools/pools with over 6 people 11. Public locker rooms 12. Overgrown vegetation- Megabotanophobia 13. Mud/dirt or wet grass- Dampamorvegaphobia 14. Being caught in rain outside- Ombrophobia 15. Garbage/filth- Verminophobia 16. Odd numbers- Autonumerophobia 17. Disorder and untidiness- Ataxophobia 18. Children under 7-Pedophobia 19. Ice cream- Cololactophobia 20. chocolate- Cocoaphobia 21. Things over expiration date- Expiraphobia 22. Carbonated drinks- Carbohydraphobia 23. Food in non-original container 24. People extremely ugly- Cacophobia 25. Loud crowds but only if they are running around- Humanoagoraphobia 26. Objects that have previously been used by someone else 27. Lotteries/free charity give-aways- charitaphobia 28. Mushrooms and fungi-type organisms- Fungitophobia 29. Movie theatres- Auditoraphobia 30. Needles or pointed objects- Aichmophobia 31. Carnivals, fairs, amusement parks, water parks- Agoraphobia 32. Supermarket type store- Agoraphobia 33. Dreaming/remembering a dream- Hallusophobia 34. Cigarettes- Cigaraphobia 35. Car repair shops 36. Candy items- tosomophobia 37. Speaking in public- Glossophobia 38. Public transportation- Omniphobia 39. Mustard 40. Gaining weight or extremely overweight people- Obesophobia 41. X-Rays- Radiophobia 42. Ground beef 43. Shellfish- Housmoaquaphobia
Vomit, stomach flu. Those are the huge ones.
Dentists. I have panic attacks befroe I go in, last time I didnt even get out of the car because I couldnt breath and I was apparently shaking although I have no memory of much of this, I tend to 'black out'
I have an irrational fear of syringes, not needles, syringes.
My phobias are kids, breeders, snakes, cops, teens, and wild animals.
My biggest fear in the world is cockroaches. Just seeing the word makes me cringe!
warm beer (warmbeeriabia)
1. Spiders-or for that case anything with more than four legs. 2. Addictions-family vary addiction proned 3.Death-i love my life, i don't want it to end. 4.Being fat-im too vain to be fat 5.My sister-sometimes i really believe she will kill me 6.Heights-only a bit afraid, but enough to hinder my participation in height related activites 7. Commitment-i like to keep my options open, though that might change soon.
boogers, snot
death phobia ( death of my beloved ones ) , phobia of being unpopular + more to say .
Nope! "Never exihibit your sore finger for ever man to bump up against." Balthasar Gracian.
heigths.....however it's a physical stomach turns around, but my head is fine and I'm not afraid.... the stupidest one though is that an elevator will start turning upside down...I know, physically impossible, but I don't like elevators!
Escalators and spiders :(
Spiders ,a car accident when it is raining, and the back of my mom's hand.
Oh, one more, using public bathrooms. And if I REALLY have to use a public bathroom, it has to be a stall that is not next to anyone.
Apiphobia, which is the fear of bees
I don't know if it's a phobia, but I think I'm afraid of spiders, but I can still kill them. I have also have a phobia of a woman getting close to me then taking all of my money and everything I have worked for.
Those mambo Sewer Roaches. My skin's crawling just thinking about them!
Clowns & masks. If the person dressed in these things gets too close even if I know who he/she is & I trust him/her, I can't think, so better not to ask me any questions that need thoughtful answers, because I'm not responsible for what I might say. If I don't trust the person then I'll have a full on panic attack. I've elaborated here so if anyone else has these things happening to them, they'll know they're not alone. I know what brought this on for me.
heights, speed, black holes, poison. Not necessarily in that order. Actually, i'm getting better with some of them.
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