Valentines Day -- + 5
Black History Month. Also, the last month of the old Roman year, which began in March (which is why September is named for septem =7, october for octo =8, etc.). Also, oddly, for fevers - fevrier
My birthday - February 29th.
Army Veteran
My birthday, too. Only, I don't have to wait every 4 years to celebrate. On second thought, as old as I am, it appears that you have the advantage.
Too few days.
February is Black History Month. President's Day, Groundhog Day, and Valentine's Day are all in February. February also has the least number of days (28) except in leap years (29).
Mardi Gras, Beginning of Lent, Groundhog Day Valentines day Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday Pancakes Black History This year 29 days .
Every leap year getting an extra day added.
my birthday
That's when the first feb were born.😇
St, Valentine, Abe Lincoln and George Washinton's birthdays, Having an extra day every 4 years, shortest month of the year,
my birthday
Valentine’s Day. It's every florist’s and chocolatier’s dream.
It's famous for coming after January and before March.
Lincoln, Washington and Crazy Eddie!
Pancake Day, or to the religious Shove Tuesday.
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