Of course there are millions that believe in sex without marriage its happening on a daily basis.
oh your not alone by a long shot , and you'll find ones who don't admit they did or do have sex outside of marriage fall into 2 categories ... #1 virgins or #2 liers
No I think you're the only one. Everyone believes in Jesus and everyone has babies when they get married.
I was not a virgin on my wedding day, I guess I shouldn't have worn that beautiful white gown but it was gorgeous
I have never said I did not have sex without being married. Yes I was a virgin when I married my ex wife. I also had a non sexual relationship with my late fiancee because she wanted to wait til marriage. When I was with the psycho though we lived together. Now if you think I slept in the same bed with her and was a good little boy you would be wrong lol
Remind me... What is sex again? :P
Hmmmmm, sex without marriage? Well, I have never been married and have 2 kids. Hmmmmm, nope, I am still a virgin :) (HUGS)
I don't need to believe pre-marital sex (fornication) exists. I already know that it does.
I don't know about other places, but, it can be like Sodom and Gomorrah here in Seattle.
Sex?...**draws blank** What's that?
Hi, long time no talk. Yes I believe sex still exsts without being married. I love woman and are a gift to men.
Dude, for sure I was thinkin the complete opposite... now a days, who doesn't have sex before marriage? If you don't, good for you and good luck on all the temptations. There are a lot of temptations in the world, so why go without when you're seeing everyone else having SOOOO MUCH FUN!?!?! LOLOLOLOL
i think that sometimes people don't want to admit they had sex before getting married because of their religion or because they are scared of what people might say if they find out. In my opinion having sex its a private thing and if you don't want people knowing thats your choice and it has nothing to do with being married or not, then again if you get married people will just assume you had sex without even asking.
i've never been married' so all the sex i've had is that way' also every woman i've been with was married at the time' so theres a lot of it going on ,just no one wants to admit it !
Is this a pre-marital sex question? if so, yes there are obviously people out there who have sex w/o being married. However, there are still individuals who choose to wait until marriage. Its really a moral,and sometimes a religious issue for those individuals.Not everyone is taught that sex "prior" to marriage is a bad thing.Not saying it is; it's all based on your convictions.I come from a family of 5, 4 girls and 1 brother.All were virgins until after marriage.Its just the way we were taught.I don't know why, if people truly are having sex "prior" to marriage, what's the big deal about admitting it; if you've actually taken that step to "have" sex anyways. No big deal...and as always,an individual choice! Hope that answered something.........
Well I was raised in a Christian home. I believe in Christ but fallow him quite different than those who claim to have been saved. To me sex has been modernized to fit for a couple who agree and understand one another, but may not be married. I won't be surprised if the next generation constantly views couples having children without the commitment of marriage, God intended it his way... but we have trunned it to something else.
sex without marriage is alive and well where i live
I just want to say that ALL 3 of my youth pastors that I have had have admitted to having sex before they were married and two of them did drugs too. So not everyone denys it. And it's nice that they are so real with the junior high and high schoolers and admit to not being perfect.
it does exist. i too AM NOT perfect and it is hard not to do something that you have already done. I lost my virginity when i was in high school. It is very hard to drop everything that you are so used to doing, but it is a small sacrifice for a huge payoff, living in eternity with God.
I think you dont always have to wait until your married, it just has to be with someone special who you really love and care for
Of course not. There was a longitudinal study published recently that explained that 95-99% of people alive between the 1940's-2000's had been sexually active. So many abstinence proponents have lied about their own sexual involvement.
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