They are both Vicadan. The one that says M357 is 500milgrams and the other one is stronger 750.
They are NOT 500 or 750! You would overdose on one pill. It's either 5mg or 7.5mg. Good greif. I'm a nurse. I know these things.
one is 5 mg and one is7.5 mgs the 500 and 750 is acetiminiphin i think i spelled it wrong
the m357 is a 5/500 that means 5 mil of hydrocodone (vicoden) and 500 mil (tylenol) and the m360 is 7.5/? im not sure the amount of tylenol in it
i have white scored m357 what are they
Can't be "Vicadan [sic]". Vicodin is 5/500 5mg. hydrocodone and 500 mg. Tylenol. Vicodin 7.50/500 is 7.5mg. hydrocodone and 500 mg. The first is stonger than the second, yes, but each would have "VICODIN" imprinted on one side.Tylenol.
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