• Tax free? I'd take the 85 million. It's more than I would need and there are no guarantees that I'll see the next five years.
  • 85 million. Given good financial advice, I could MAKE more than I need to live on each year. And then, the money is there for my family when I die.
  • I wouldnt want any of it,i would ask for one million per year and give the rest to charity. One mill is a lot of money and i would also make sure my close family were taken care of.
  • I'd take the 20 million a year, because I would have money to do everything that I would want to do and would not have to worry about how I am going to sustain and income. If I take the 85 millions I have to plan how I am going to invest so that I don't run out of money and end out with no funds. 20 million a year is more than enough for what I would need to do, even if half of it went in taxes.
  • The 20 million fo life. So I can help different charities and family.
  • I think I can live off 20mil a year! And it'll give me something to look forward to every year!
  • 85 lump sum. I can invest and buy properties and make a killing on the interest.
  • I'd take the $20 milliona a year. I've read too many stories where people have blown the total in no time. And some of my investments haven't worked out too well in the past.
  • I would take the lump sum. Only because why would I want to let the lottery make the interest/income off of the money when I could be doing that myself! You just have to find a good, trustworthy lawyer and a good, trustworthy financial planner. Then I could be living off my interest or investments, and also be able to do a lot for other people.
  • 85 Mil Lump
  • 1.i would take it all @ once.(that way if i died soon after the gov't would NOT get to keep the rest) 2.contibute to my church(a LARGE part) off all my bills 4.establish a trust for my daughter 5.donate a LARGE part to Multiple Sclerosis research 6.sell the house a large motor home(tour bus class) 9.Have the delight in knowing that the IRS can kiss my ass and never get another dime from me.
  • One lump sum, why not? I would live comfortably off that my whole life if i saved it properly and still was kinda cheap. My response after i got the 85 mil would me 'so long army"
  • The 20 million a year, so that I don't spend it all at once.
  • Hmmm... I think I'd take the $20M a year. (I plan to live more than 4-1/2 years!) I pay off my debts (nowhere NEAR even $1M). Then I can take $1M and invest the rest of the $20M the first year, then live off the $1M, interest and earnigs while STILL building up that investment portfolio. Think I'd have plenty to get anything I want and need. (And yes... I think I could manage a year or so without taking more than that 1M+bills.) I'd also donate to charities and church, of course.
  • 20 million a year for the rest of my life.
  • Never being sure how long one could live, I would take the 85 Mil and live off the interest income very comfortably. When I died the $85 mil would stay invested but the yearly interest income could go to charities of my choice run by the foundation I set up while I was alive.
  • probably lump unless its transferable to offspring and spouse after my demise. would it be transferable if we all signed the winning ticket as a group?
  • WHATTT! Are people actually answering "lump sum"? Have you looked at these numbers?! 20 million for 10 years is 200 million! Do you plan on living ten years? I do! People are crazy.
  • $20 million per year, easy decision. In 5 years, you'd have the amount you'd have gotten in the lump sum. And you would not have to worry about the ups and downs that you would experience if you got $85m all at once and had to figure out how to allocate it.
  • 20 mil per year
  • Being only 40, I would go for the £20million a year for the rest of my life although this option would be a lot more interesting if I could pass this onto my wife in the event of my death. Accourding to how long I should live too (76 ish) then I would be in for £720million, which is a lot more than the £85million offered. This is also a lot more than I would be likely to get in some sort of hedge fund or other investment. Anyhow, when I win the £85million on Friday night I shall let you all know what I intend to do with it then and all those who have commented on this subject....the drinks are on me!!!
  • I would take the 85 million. It's not nice to be greedy.
  • 85 Million now...whatever company/fund administering the $20 Million a year plan may flounder at any time...
  • the 85 million all at once
  • I'd like to know that if I screwed up the first year, I've got 19 more years taken care of. :-) I'll take the 20 for the rest of my life, thanks!
  • I would take the lump sum as I may not be here in twenty years
  • save or spend the 70% and invest the 30%
  • Given that I'm only 17, I'll take the 20 million a year.

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