• Being a Texan, we get a lot of people who come here asking us why we all don't wear boots and hats and yell YEEEE HAW!
  • I to take it that you are denying Australia is cow-less? I don't believe show me a cow.
  • Yeah I get the Texas thing too. People want to know what kind of truck I drive, where my ranch is, how many cows I have and how much oil I own LOL
  • A guy from China asked my boyfriend what tribe he lived in.LOL!!!
  • Not stupid, but it gave me a new perspective. I was in Boston with a guy for work who was from outside of London (his first time in the US). We were walking around Boston and passed Paul Revere's house. And he asked me if that was the home of the traitor. It took me a second to figure out what he was talking about. It showed me that history has very different perspectives.
  • i got asked if we rode kangaroos to school in australia! :) i told them yes, and it's handy cause we can put our school bags in their pouches :)
  • Not exactly a question, & not exactly me.... I can't remember who, but one of our radio shows went over to America & convinced something like 200 people that we ride kangaroos to work, Uluru is built from copper & steel, & koalas turn orange in the sun. Now THAT sounds like fun...
  • Most Americans I have met in the USA have a very, very wrong image about Puerto Rico. They are amazed once they visit the island and see that the standard of living is quite similar to the one in the fifty American States. I was once asked if we have electricity, if we have windows in our houses (maybe he thought we live in some kind of tents) and if we have a College of any kind. Just ignorance built by a wrong image of a past long gone.
  • Not a personal experiance but have had someone (Ameriacan Tourist) ask someone i knew on their trip to France where we kept our Kangaroos.
  • Someone asked on the internet if Indians still live in teepees. I don't think it is dumb, just uninformed.
  • same country, but i met someone from new hampshire that thought texans still ride around in horse and carriage. too much mtv for some people i guess...
  • Some questions I got while travelling outside the US: Are some of the streets really paved with gold? Do you really dress like the people on Dynasty? Are all Americans so rich? How can you stand to drink that Budweiser? Why does everyone own a gun in America? Why do you say America is free if everything costs so much? Does everybody go surfing?
  • i used to work at reception at park hyatt sydney, and once when i took a guest upto his room, i opened the balcony door to show him the view and he pointed at the harbour bridge and asked what that was called (and he was serious). i had to pick my jaw up off the ground!
  • DO you have cows in Australia?
  • I was asked by a German what my mansion looked like and how many servants I had because she was raised watching Dynasty, and Dallas and believed all Americans has these things.
  • If all American women want to have sex before marriage this was asked by almost every iraq I've ever talked to thats buzzed me in a chat room. I quit going to the chat rooms, I'm convinced if those guys would just get them some so to speak they wouldn't want to blow things up & destroy everything. I'm thinking its repressed sexual feelings because their religion won't allow them to have sex before marriage, man or woman.
  • Not sure where this guy was from, but i'm walking on the coast in SC, along the beach. This guy comes up to me and asks, "If I follow the water, will it take me back into town?" I told him if he followed the water it would take him all the way to Florida. Needless to say, he thought I was being sarcastic. Well, maybe I was but I was correct.
  • A friend of mine had the cops called on him for having "smuggled alcohol." It was a guy that had just came to America and ended up living in a "dry" county and thought it was nationwide. He came to Pensacola for a party and saw the tables full of liquor and beer and got scared out of his mind. He thought it was the equivalent of a bunch of drugs. When the police got there the guy was a little surprised when all the cops said was "Could you turn the music down a notch please?"
  • I was once asked by an American, if all scottish people were, ginger haired wore glasses, wore kilts and played the bagpipes, and he didnt beleive me when i said i was scottish because i didnt fit the description
  • Someone from the UK asked me once how many times I've been shot because everyone knows that all Americans carry guns and shoot people. (I said truthfully, none. I don't know anyone who's ever gotten shot. I don't think I know anyone with a gun)
  • my friend, on a trip to America from England was asked this "wow, so your from England?... Say something in english".........
  • I was talking to an American, and as I left the conversation and walked away I heard her say to her partner, "Gosh for an Aussie, shes pretty fluent in english!"
  • Standing in Princes Street in Edinburgh with an enormous dead volcano topped off with battlements and fortifications blotting out the sun. Approached by Colonial Cousin who asks "where's the castle?".(presumably he parks his spare truck in something bigger than that!)
  • the one i hear alot is... do you really live in igloos. im from alaska. so not only do people from other countrys ask this but people from the united states ask this too.
  • Im Australian and have been asked if we ride kangaroos. I once tricked a friend who was visiting from England with the aussie "drop bear" thing, scarying the crap out of this person. You know those bears in the bush, which hide in trees and fall and grab unsuspecting people about the throat or fall on their heads clinging LOL Once someone from overseas, who my nanna had met overseas while travelling, that person came to Australia and rang her from Sydney airport asking if they could come around for a cup of tea. The thing is my nanna is in Adelaide!! (tourist thought it was like just down the road, thought Australia was a wee tiny Island lol).
  • I was talking to my pen pal online (she was from the USA) and she said "You'd love the states (that means America). We have reaaally tall buildings, trams and tampolines!" I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic but yeah. lol PS: I like Americans. I don't hate ya'll. Sorry....had to throw in a ya'll =]
  • I live on Phillip Island, with the penguins. There are heaps of road sign saying "penguins at dusk" i kid you not, so many tourists from all over the world have asked various locals..."Where's dusk?"
  • Was asked by an American, when do we New Zealanders have our Christmas? No he wasnt kidding! Duh!
  • i was asked by a canadian if you had kangaroos in your backyard??!
  • So what's so dumb about that. Do you?
  • I'm from Australia, so I've had the stereotypical stupid questions about where I park my kangaroo, and how many kangaroos I own. I've also been asked what language we speak here, and have conversed with a woman who believed Australia was founded by the US. However, the most hilarious comment would have to be one I heard from the mouth of an American woman a few years back. I was at a nature park, and there were snakes in enclosures near me. One of the snakes flicked it's tongue out in the air, and the woman screamed: "OHHH MY GAAAAAAAWD, LOOK AT IT'S STINGER!!!" Hilarity ensued.
  • Perhaps one of the most common stupid questions Americans will ask Brits - do you know the Queen? Umm, no. --- One of my favourites, of course it didn't happen to me - George Bush met the singer Charlotte Church. He asked where she was from, and she replied Wales. His reply - what state is that in? ... I wish it were a joke!
  • I got a taxi in New York. Taxi driver: where you from? Us: Scotland. Taxi driver: so you speak French?
  • i was asked... by a brit, "aren't california, new york, and florida the 3 time zones of america?" no, he wasn't being sarcastic either. by an aussie, "why aren't you fat?" i hinted a bit of sarcasm, still dumb nevertheless. by another aussie, "aren't people executed if they lead a protest?"
  • I'm from South africa. Do you have Lions and elephants roaming the streets????
  • An American (always Americans isn't it?) asked me if I knew Prince Harry. She would not take no for an answer. She thought I was pretending.
  • From South Africa and been asked if lions roam in the streets LOL
  • I was asked by an american if i spoke english...whilst i was working in london??
  • In 1990 some older mates in high school (age 17ish), went on a school exchange trip to America, (we're Brits from London). They were taken into a class of 15 year olds in the US school so they could be asked questions about life in England. 3 genuine questions wre: 1) Do you have sneakers in England, (half the group was wearing them but maybe the class thought they'd just bought them on arrival?) 2) Have you HEARD OF, not got but even heard of, VCR's. One of my mates responded that they had 4 machines in their house (true - one in the lounge and one in each bedroom), and the class couldn't believe him. 3) Can you buy fruit in England easily, like at stalls in the street like here etc.. Bless 'em. They seemed to think of England as a cobble-stoned Dickensian place.
  • By an american: do you really have leprechuns? (seriously) also whilst i was in rome two americans were visiting the roman forum and one said to the other "this is where all the greek gods used to be"
  • I was asked why Americans wear such funny colors.
  • That is a seriously funny did you answer?

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