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Orgasm is beleive it or not, psychological in my experience. As a male, I feel that whether its sex or masturbation, it is all controlled by the mind. If you are having a bad day, your sex performance can be hindered a bit. If your partner did not seem all that attractive the day of sex, your mind plays tricks on you again. Masturbation, however is a fantasy world. Think about something that you like in a woman... for example, i like a girl in pantyhose and heels... just thinking about that objective makes me get off quicker.
This is like 'how long is a piece of string?'. Everyone is different, each time is different. I don't have a penis, but I have known quite a few! From starting a BJ or getting him off with my hands it can be 30 seconds to 30 minutes - depending on how long I want to draw it out and his tolerance!
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