There was no "purpose" to a nobleman: a nobleman was a thug who had climbed to the top of the tree by having a bigger and nastier gang than all the other would-be noblemen. What he did was to be rich on money extracted from his lands. His job was to defend his lands while making the most money, in a sustainable way, from them.
Noblemen were land owners. Their jobs were to care for their properties and the people who worked it for them. They also supported the King or higher ranking nobleman whom they pledged fealty too. That's how it was supposed to work, anyway. Too often, the noblemen took advantage of the surfs (people who worked the land) and didn't hold up their end of the bargain.
Noblemen helped the pharoah run the county these were the people that worked in the government. Go to
In general nobles owned land etc. peons would supplement with work or money to live on his land!
- Rich nobility had no purpose and no job. It was a rank they were born into. Their "job" was to not waste the family riches and bring dishonor to the family name.
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