The unknown.
by the many beliefs in an afterlife-i have to go with death also--do think man faces the unknown often with the thought that he will survive it-----just my thoughts-smile and enjoy the night cool question
His wife. (OW!!!) His beautiful and understanding and ever loving and patient wife!! (OW OW OW!!!)
Being alone.
Whatever the marketing and advertising agencies decide it will be. Which of course is driven by how much business could be created, from nothing, because of that fear. Plain economics. It's based on how much opportunity is in that fear.
To judge by our behavior, it's "loss of self" -- i.e. encountering a situation in which we do not know who we are. I say this because what I actually observe in myself and others is lots of clinging to ideas of self. "This is who I am, and I'm very attached to that idea, and if you challenge it I will fight back". We get very angry and defensive when our cherished ideas about ourselves are challenged, and become fearful when we confront our own doubts. All of that is a symptom of this disease: fear of self-dissolution. Even death doesn't compete in many cases -- lots of soldiers will risk life and limb in battle to preserve their view of self: "I'm not a coward. I am sacrificing for my country". Those ideas are more real to the soldier than their own life in some cases. It's better to die in front of the cannons than to face the loss of identity. Only by appreciating the deep grip of this addiction to identity can someone begin to make progress on freeing themselves from that prison.
Insignificance -- fears of loss, aging, failure, inadequacy, and even death all stem from an innate desire to remain significant in the universe.
A wasted life.
Fear is always about "future" only. There is no fear at the "present". Fear itself is the creation of mind. Mind is again the bunch of thoughts. In a thoughtless state there in no mind or fear.
to get a low score on answerbag
A pissed off woman! LOL :)
Death. It is why we created the idea of an afterlife and reincarnation. Man is afraid to disappear and cease to exist.
Fear itself?! ;-)
A woman on PMS...;)
Woman?! ;-)
Death, and taxes. >_>
Vagina Dentata.
Fear itself.
Man's greatest fear is the fear of not being accepted. Second is the fear with time. The third is the fear of impending loss. Everything else is based on it. In the final leg of every journey you will meet yourself. Learn to accept yourself.
Man's greatest fear is the fear of not being accepted. Second is the fear with time. The third is the fear of impending loss. Everything else is based on it. In the final leg of every journey you will meet yourself. Learn to accept yourself.
That woman stops putting out?
While John Bobbit may say one thing, for me being betrayed is my biggest fear.
Loss of control.
- our greatest fear. We do anything to remain in commnity. We are hardwired to be bonded to others.
rejection from community is our greatest fear.
self worth !
Parenting and divorce.
dying :+)
At the most basic, primal level. Pain (discomfort). Physical and emotional pain. To fear pain is part of our survival mechanism. People will always avoid painful situations.
Waking up next to Kevin Spacey !!
probably being in a lot of pain for some reason
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