• No, most people never know when that happens, i only get more quiet than usual.
  • Oh yes....its fun time lol.
  • lol. No, i don't!
  • Nope. I don't get PMS. I got lucky.
  • not really, I do get easily mad during that time though, but I don't do it for the fun of it. I really regret and spend a lot of time apologizing for it.
  • no...females don't even know that they get that mean..hormones acting up & advice...comfort her...or avoid her.
  • Never intentionally. And I'm never really MEAN... I just cry a lot. Unfortunately, I think the first three months of pregnancy are like one LONG bout of PMS. I can't stop crying sometimes, and I don't even know WHY!
  • No. If I am more irritated at that point, it's not intentional. If people are close enough to me I let them know that I have my period just as a heads up. I think it's polite just because they know I might be more unpredictable or cry for what seems like no reason. ^.^ I think it's rude for anyone to purposely be mean and blame it on that though.
  • no i dont my husband always no's a week b4 i start because i seem to get evil he sais and he stays away from me,i seem to yell at every thing he does wrong and i cant control it
  • i don't get mean, i get emotional and need sucks.
  • I'm not trying to be a smart ass here, but the way you asked is like saying someone would use the flu just to be sick. The irritability is one symptom of PMS. It can really be helped a lot by taking B complex vitamin supplement or the new Diet Coke Plus has b vitamins added. The Diet Coke Plus is what I use because most of the supplements upset my stomach. Since a marriage is a partnership and to a certain degree an agreement to bring out the best in each other there are some things you can say that are supportive. I know it's hard to say something nice to someone who may have just said something really hateful. I would suggest something like "I know you must be feeling really bad because otherwise you wouldn't say things like that and even though I know that, it is still painful for me or the kids when you are going through this." There are also medications that can be very helpful but they have to be taken all the time. I would try the supplements first. It can be life changing.
  • I have been extra mean during that time and was horrified at the things I said to my children. That's when I knew I had to do something about it. Life is relatively short and this is one of the things we can control in it. I don't know your wife and I don't now why anyone would want to be mean and then apologize if they weren't sincere. But I guess it's possible, I feel for you. I don't like meanness. Perhaps I didn't answer your question directly so "no, I have never used that time of the month to be a meanie, but I have in the past been mean at that time and it was difficult to control without taking something to alleve the symptoms.
  • I know I don't, I honestly don't mean to be... well, mean, but it just happens. I also want a lot of chocolate & coffee around that time... but that's beside the point.
  • No because people dont understand that its the week before my period that im a bitch, so i usually dont realise why- and then have to run around apoligiesing. Also saying "its my time" doesnt get you any slack from most people, and just encorages some (oh i hate to generalise by saying some men, but as it is some men i know- you get my point) to then belittle any valid arguements i or a female friend may have by saying it is mearly our time of the month.
  • Never use that time of month intentionally to be a meanie, would much rather be happy, not headachey, bloated, or depressed and teary....It would be great so I can get on with day to day things and just have some normality in my life. :) If I feel really awful, I tend to hide away rather than be irritable at someone & regret it later.
  • Yes ....and I haven't had one in almost 10 years....think I'm going to tell him that? No way.
  • no, its something i can't help and i need more support.
  • Not anymore. Mwuahahaha!
  • No but when I was just a kid, I thought PMS was made up. PMS is real!
  • No,but my evil twin does...
  • On guilty. :)
  • I do get really bitchy and emotional during PMS, and I try not to use it to excuse my behavior and try to hold myself back when I KNOW I'm being unreasonable, although it is a little plausible. Your hormones DO go kind of go crazy, which is what causes the sensitivity. Not all women experience it that much, though.
  • Nope. I am in too much pain to do that. It is worse than labor for me, so I tend to be in bed sleeping during thoes days.
  • no, I do use it to feel sorry for myself though. Cry about past events and stuff. I probably use it to go out for a margarita and some chips and dips more often than I should.
  • Evil. Pure evil!
  • I don't know about the rest of the ladies, but I honestly, can't control my temper when my period is due. When my period is here, I get such bad cramps and backache, I get really crabby... But, overall, I don't mean to be!!!
  • Let me describe to you what menstruating feels like. Headaches. Backaches. Bloating. Fatigue. And all this added to mild stomach flu. And that we can actually FEEL the blood turn bad. But no, I don't use it as an excuse to be mean. If I'm mean, it's because I'm pissed off. I used no excuses. And if I'm mean because I'm on the rag, I'll tell you, I'm in f***ing pain. And I have to deal with it.
  • Well if you could feel all of the backaches, cramps, sore breasts, and having to change tampons or pads every few hours for about 5-7 days, then you wouldn't exactly be too cheery yourself, would you? I'm usually fine after the 1st day and after that, as long as I have hazelnut chocolate and my baby with me, I'm pretty lovable :)...until I go to work and break my back dealing with customers (I'm a waitress).
  • No it actually affects my emotional side and makes me more sensitive, but it usually makes me more "loving" if you know what i mean.. but sometimes i -think- people uses it as an excuse, but i honestly don't know how other woman body's react to that particular time of the month. we are all different.
  • No, because it clearly eouldn't work for me... I don't really change at all (mood wise) anyway... I would just be pretending and whats the point in that, if im gonna be mean, ill do it whenever.
  • lol:) never well, ok....sometimes i do get a little annoyed at my sister more easily, but i really don't mean it:)
  • no i dont use it as an excuse, i suffer bad with mine the worst for me is the last day, i have severe back ache, stomach cramps and headache and nausia, i cant imagine anyone being in a good mood when they feel like that.
  • No, I don't do it on purpose. However, around that time I do tend to be very depressed; if something annoys me regularly, I get very irritable about it rather than try and hold it in, and sometimes I get very, very, very bad cramps -- the "I want to scream and cry and curl up in the fetal position" kind, which would make anyone a bit irritable.
  • nope. people at my school cant even tell that its my time of the month. they probably think i dont have one considering im 'one of the guys'.
  • No, I never "use" it as an excuse. PMS is very real. And yes, my moods swing all over the place. It's not any woman can really control.

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