I do?
Okay, I have never seen you,so I can't say.
Because all of us are, in our own way.
Because you're a waterfall?
Why do you assume we think your beautiful?
Because you finally shaved the unibrow.
Because I like scenic waterfalls. :)
Oh, I thought I was looking a mirror.
Angela I don't even know what you look like to make that kind of judgement. However let me say this. I judge beauty on a whole lot more than just what is on the outside. I know many women who are the worlds idea of very beautiful physically but are the ugliest people you would ever want to meet in terms of their personality. Then I know women that most people would never give a second thought to because they are not much to look at in the physical beauty department but they have the most beautiful personalities you could ever imagine. If you're wondering who I would pick it would be the ones with the beautiful soul who might not be so hot in the looks department. Besides once you learn to see the beauty inside the ouside doesn't seem all that bad anymore.
if you're asking questions like these, then you're probably not beautiful, sweetie.
Because you are a human being with the ability to live, learn, and love. Everybody is beautiful, whether they possess inner beauty, outer beauty, or both. Well... almost everybody!
cause god made you that way
post a pic
Some people will do anything for a compliment. 😈
"Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." - Proverbs 16:18. This has been modernized to the more common "Pride comes before a fall." People who are vain are the ugliest people on the inside where beauty counts. I wouldn't give you the time of day.
I don't think anything about your appearance. I don't have the faintest idea what you look like, nor do I care. This is not an intelligent question.
Linda Joy
Then why did you answer? What goes around comes around.
Because there is something beautiful in everyone. With some people you just have to look harder and try harder to find their beauty. Find what is beautiful in you and build on that. External beauty fades with time, but internal beauty sines on.
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