$0.739/gal...and milk was almost the same for ½ gal
I believe it was 50 cents a gallon when I first started driving in the dark ages of the distant past....
In high school it was 99 cents per gallon. (ah, the good old days!)
I can recall specifically it being $0.89 a gallon when I got it once in my later teens. I know it was lower than that before I really paid attention to gas prices.
.72 cents a gallon the day I got my drivers license.
.37!!! Can you believe it???? I remember my brother buying gasoline to mow neighbor's lawns. I remember when 7 - 11's were open from seven until eleven! Now convenience stores are open nearly 24-7.
my parents used to own a gas station when I was a kid so I remember the prices long before I ever drove. 63 cents when I was 10ish
I remember when I was in first grade, my dad paid about $.28 a gallon.
$.99 per gallon. That was in 1985.
I remenber my father buying gas at a station in Ohio for 19 cents a gallon full serve W/ free drinking glasses.
Around $0.75 a gallon, Southern California, way back in 1977. I was just a kid back then.
I remember the gas prices being .79 cents a gallon when I began paying attention to the prices. Wow! That sounds like EONS ago! AAaakk! WAIT! That WAS EONS ago!!!! LOL! (sigh) I may as well open a gasoline savings account for my three sons when they begin driving.....they'll NEED it! I can't bear to think how high the price of gas will be in the next 3, 4 and 6 years when they each begin driving! Word of Caution! STAY OFF THE SIDEWALKS!!!! They may drive like their Dad! LMAO!! (just kidding) Have a good evening!
.50 cents maybe lower for some reason i enjoyed riding to the gas station as a kid.
22cents a gallon when I was a kid.
$1.25... :-/ I'm young. It wasn't THAT long ago, maybe 2002, or 2001.
I am 18 and I can recall gas being 96 cents a gallon in Tennesse but in my area around $1.20. I can recall my parents complaining about it being $1.45. And as of today in my town (West Virginia) it is $3.21 per gallon. 22 miles away in Kentucky it is $3.12 per gallon.
I can remember as a kid in the 60s, it being down in the .30 range. I can still remember my dad flipping out when it got over .60! and a gallon of milk was about .50 back then, too.
I remember gas around $.19 - .24 cents in the early 60s. It doesn't seem possible. I remember on my honeymoon in 1973 that we went somewhere that only had one gas station for miles around and they had the nerve to charge us $.51!!!! We couldn't wait to get home and tell everyone about how much they charged! LOL!
I can't remember what it was when I started driving and having to buy my own gas, but I do remember in the 80's when the price went above $1.00/gallon and all the stations had to scurry and tape a 1 up on the price boards because they didn't go that high. lol
When I bought my first car in 98 gas was $0.99.
about 40 cents per gallon in the 1960's
I rember in Mississippi in 1989 the gas was cheap 89cent a gallon. Where I am not it's $3.40 a gallon today:(
I can remember it being 43 cents and my grandmother asking for a dollars worth from the attendant. The next year my parents were freaking about gas hitting 50 cents. I can rember sitting in the gas lines, people would run out of gas waiting and have to push their cars to the pumps. You could only get gas on an odd day if your plates ended in an odd number (even for even and anyone on the 31st). You were only allowed to get 7 gallons.
I remember gas being around $1/gallon around the time I started high school (and before I could drive). Ahh, the good ol' days.
99 cents - I used to drive for days and days
I can remember getting 2-3 gallons for a buck... A tankful for about $5 or so! (This included THEM washing the windows, checking the oil and other fluids, and checking the tire pressure.)This was in Lafayette, Indiana, about 1970 or so.
When I was a kid, I remember my parents complaining that gas was 89 cents/gallon. Can you even imagine? It's $3.29 here in Cincy.
60 cents a gallon, 1986
filled up on the way to the prom, .80 per gallon
At least half what it is now... *groan*
i have a picture from probably 1991-2 when it was about $1.32 in new york.
It was around 90¢ a gallon in 1999.
I remember 35 cents a gallon in the 60's. We would pool our quarters to fill up the tank and go cruising.
I paid .88 cents once.
When i graduated from High school and got my first car, regular gas at a Sunoco was $.319/gal , that was 1968 in Pennsylvania.
The lowest the I remember paying was 99 cents back in about 1999.
lol I must be really young, and I never really paid attention the lowest I can remember is like 1.50-2.00
I remember .99 september 2001
I'm not that old, so I only remember $0.729 in Indiana in the late 1990s.
I remember my mother pitching a fit when a station charged us 36 cents a gallon on our move from Michigan to Arizona in 1973.
35 to 40 cents
I remember around .85 cents a gallon when I was probably 7 or 8.
I remember .17 down in West Palm Beach Fl in 1968. What ever happened to "gas wars". Now I guess it's really "wars for gas".
I vaguely recall $.25 per gallon when I was very young.
yeh i remember when gas was $1 a gallon ahh the good old days
I vaguely remember it being under $1.00, and even below $.75, but not much below that...
When I was a child it was less than 30 cents a gallon. Since I've been driving, about 85 cents a gallon.
Graduated high school and got my first car in 1959. Gasoline and cigarettes were the same price ...... 20 cents. (SoCal.) Today, in southern california gasoline in $4.09 and I don't smoke anymore, but I think cigarettes are around $4.50.
I remember the summer it went from $0.50 to $0.60. I was pissed [angry] because my $3.00 bought 16% less gas. lol
I remember back to when it was &0.99 A GALLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember scrounging through the seats in my mom's GMC truck for loose change to buy a gallon of gasoline with, and having it cost around 75-80 cents/gallon, in Sacramento, California in the early 80s.
I remember $0.89 per gallon.
This old fart remembers it at 25 cents.
i can remember buying it during "gas wars" when 2 stations would try to outsell each other for $.29
I was in the States in 1999 for the first time and I remember gas prices were around $0.80 in Richmond,Virginia
50 something cents in the early 90's
i remember in cali it was 1.05 back in the 90's now its almost five dollars!
85 cents
When I turned 16 in 1997 gas was $0.69/gallon in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri. It ranged from $0.68-$0.89 for awhile...when it hit $0.99 we all thought it was highway robbery!!! LOL :) I drove a Plymoth Neon and could fill my tank for around $8.00!!! Ahhhh.....those were the days :D
When I first got my license in late 93 it was right around 86 cents a gallon in Ohio. Five dollars would run my Mustang almost all week!
During the gas wars 1977 or so when competition actually existed I paid $.30 a gallon.
Does anybody remember how cheap land used to be...get over it, its called inflation...
I remember some places in the late 90s that were 97 cents a gallon. Now you get like two squirts for 10$
89 cents a gallon back over fifteen years ago.
$1.35 when i started driving...i just stopped driving... woo hoo i am free!
$.29 cents a gallon! You could almost get 4 gallons for a buck!
1969 around 40 cents a gallon in NY.
about $.97 a gallon, when I was 8 or 9.
I remember 33 cents a gallon in So Cal when I first drove.... 1969
About 89 cents/gallon in the mid-1980's.
91 cents in December 2001 in Smyrna, Tennesse.
About $.45 during the gas price wars of the 80s. The most, pro-rated for inflation adjustment anyway, was when it hit a dollar a gallon in like 1978. I remember my aunt coming over and complaining she just spent 5 bucks on gas, and only got 5 gallons. The economy couldn't handle them prices then.
19.9 cents in St. Louis in 1969.
I MUST be one of the oldest - I prefer using the expression "most mature" - people on this site. I remember back in 1956 or 1957, gas was selling for nineteen point nine cents per gallon [.199]. That's less than 20 cents per gallon. I remember when there were attendants who pumped the gas, checked the oil, checked the fluids and tire pressure! ALL that was done as the car was being filled with gas. AND I remember when the gas stations gave out "free gifts" or "premiums": Free glassware - not cheap stuff. Free dishes and mugs. S&H Green Stamps Top Value ("TV") Stamps. Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: Because you asked. A little stroll down "Memory Lane". "THE University of Hard Knocks" also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons"
89 - 90 cents when I was in high school
It was 50 cents a gallon when I started to drive :)
97 cents when i was aroud 4 or 5 years old and that was about 10 years ago
Bought a new Corvair convertible in 1965. Gas was .29 cents a gal. for regular and .39 cents a gallon for premium. Filled her to the brim with the best. Could afford it then.
1966 in Austin,TX one week the 3 stations in my neibirhood had a price war at $.109 per gallon for a couple of days. That's was great.
.25 a gallon when a was around 1964-1965 and was maybe .45-50 in 1976 when I got married and look at it now! This was in Ca about 1 hr drive from the capital sac ca.
79 cents in Alabama back in 1996 or so when I was just starting to drive
i think like...a dollar something
$0.259 per gallon, 1970
64 cents in 1984
35 cents. When I was young.
82 cent, ten years ago...
I dont remember the price but when I was a kid I remember you had to get gas on either odd or even days depending on your license plates..
23 cents a gallon. I could drive my VW bug from San Francisco to Los Angeles on 5 bucks in 1970.
25 cents per gallon, in Mamaroneck, New York, 1967
79 cents
$.99 at a Gas station near my house back in like the 90's. I remember that being really low though and people lining up to fill up there.
Chicago, 1959 I believe it was around .10 or .15 cents per gallon. $2.50 would fill a 1957 buick gas tank.
I swear it was around .88 in the early 90's up near NJ. Ten years ago, the price hit $1.40 in L.A. and everyone was up in arms. Ah, the good old days.
Back in the early 70's some ladies opened up a full service gas station in my home town in Illinois. To get new customers, they started a gas war. It got down to 15.9 cents per gallon. They got the customers and ran out of gas. They even washed the windshields. Oh for the good old days. Gas is $2.62 a gallon today 9-25-2008
I'm 30 years old and live in CA. I remember when I was 19, gas was $1.35 a gallon in San Francisco. If you're curious, here's a good website. It's the energy information administration:
1966, Oregon City, Oregon....28 cents a gallon at Kalber Gas & Grocery.
1.19 in 1991
I was only probably around 10 years old, in the early 90s. I saw a station that was 88 cents a gallon.
In 1956 gas was under .30 a gal and you got the windshield washed and oil checked and tire pressure. Most stations gave stamp that could be redeemed for nice gifts. Also with a fill up you could get set of water glasses, carton of cokes etc.
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