• Yes, diamond is the hardest naturally-occuring mineral known. There are a handfull of synthetic materials that are harder than natural diamond, including artificial diamond, ultrahard fullerite, aggregated diamond nanorods, and borazon. Borazon is formed from boron and nitrogen and is a registered trademark of GE, where it was invented. All of the other materials are formed from carbon.
  • Well, the hardest "mineral" on earth is a diamond. For rocks, which are made up of one or more minerals, the hardest are those which contain quartz. There is no single "hardest rock" but some of the rocks that would be very hard and strong and well-cemented quartz sandstones (a sedimentary rock), quartzite (a metamorphic rock formed from quartz sandstone) and granites or rhyolites (both igneous rocks with a lot of quartz). From the net.
  • 7-14-2017 Yes. A diamond is so hard in one direction that even another diamond won't scratch it.
  • Diamonds are one of the hardest stone/rock in the world, since it is a natural mineral as well. Diamond has a bulk modulus (reciprocal of compressibility) of 443 GigaPascals (GPa). One GigaPascal is equal to 14503.77 PSI. Therefore, the in-compressibility of diamond is about 6.425 million PSI or 437,200 Atmospheres.
  • 8-4-2017 Do not confuse "hard" with "tough". Stone knives and axes are made from jade, not diamond. If you hit a diamond against a rock or a glass window, it might chip or shatter. Jade is not as hard as diamond but it will not shatter; it might dent, but even that is unlikely.

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