No, but it's right up there.
Way, hey.
Dr. Phil says, if the sex life is good, it's only 10% of your relationship, but if the sex life is bad it becomes 90% of the relationship. I was looking for the quote where he said something to the effect of if you think it's not important just ask the person who's not getting any !!
At night in bed, they talked. He, of the bees. She, of the birds. Never of the birds and bees.
Yes, that and the dog.
It's not the most important thing, but having a great sex life makes the relationship better. No guy I know has ever said "I love my wife I just wish she would blow me less!" Great sex is about honest and effective communication and those are the corner stones of a great relationship,
Thete are two rooms in a relationship, the bedroom and the livingroom and you need to get along equally in both of them. If you don't, ultimately the relationship will crumble.
Ice man
Yes, and well-ironed socks too. -
Ice man
That would be one well-ironed sock. Singular, if missing a lower limb... Butt I gonna light it gooo dis tyme.
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