Nothing is shocking anymore, sadly. You can try, though.
I'm no expert but I'd say a Hollow Point would do the job.
Few Grams of C-4 Plastic explosive..?
Seeing governments and people coming together to make the world a better place, not just to make private interests money. That would blow my mind and I hope to see it one day.
Being able to see myself through the eyes of others.
If I found out I was adopted.
Finally finding Mr.Right this year.
Winning the lottery...reaching my goal weight...finding true love. I don't ask for much. :-)
a shotgun... but seriously, erm... a time when no one actually wants to kill each other, that be pretty darn amazing.
time travel & multiple orgasms for men
lit dynamite in both ears!
Really good drugs....or maybe really bad ones.
Getting a glimpse of the other side...
A bullet coming out of a gun really fast.
It happens every day, so just about anything can do it. :o)
If The Bible was actually true that would blow my mind.
to be happy with the man of my dreams!
"Just put your lips together and blow,"
Anything spontaneous, my life is so mundane.
Iff somehow i becamee invisible and could hear and see everything !!
9 mm.
Seeing God. And yes, I do believe in Him.
"Wait... how did I get into a room filled with fire and a man in a red suit yelling at me?"
World Peace~cause It has never happened!
A man who can incinerate half the globe with the click of his fingers.
a sexy girl who shred it up on the guitar
A woman playing the bagpipes.
A penis attached to my brain
well i'd like to know about aliens from space. if there are any, their history is mind blowing enough. and obviously there could be millions , billions or more species of them out there.
The economy improving.
500,000,000 sticks of dynomite 2,000 fragment granades and 1 big ass granade THAT WOULD DO THE JOB!!!!
a bag of piff and chocolate icecream
A humjob on acid! ;-)
A Supernova.
Seeing dead people
I think if u look at some of my questions, answers & comments. Then it'd be safe to say "A whole hell of a lot to blow here Sun". Take care, Osara
A 12 gauge
when they announce the end of the world
Just put your lips together and blow.
A high-pressure air compressor.
the man I'm married to getting a job !!!
a hot guy with a nice body telling me I could do what I want with him for as long as I that's a true WOW.................:-D
A few things that really blew my mind when I learn about them are alternating current, the electric motor and the concept of time.
If I got hired on the spot today. (unannounced) I'm leaving now. Say a little prayer.
Prayed for.
You want to blow me.......OH - my mind. Go for it.
If QAnon turned out to be real and on target, instead of a TLA psyop...that would do it, but so would becoming a millionaire in the lottery. Either having equal odds of happening.
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