• duh! life with'll come! just be relaxed and fun loving and it'll get there!
  • Our oldest daughters both had their first kisses at 16. There is nothing wrong with waiting until you're ready. My sister had her first kiss at 17 and I had school friends who did have their first kiss until after they graduated high school. Everyone is different. Don't let anyone ever pressure you into anything that you're not ready for. I have a standard saying, everyone on AB has heard it I bet: 'You only get to be a kid for 18 years. You have the rest of your life to be a grown up. There is a lot of time to have all of your life experiences. Try to enjoy being a kid while you still are one.'
  • @ my scool no one goes all the way or at least they keep it a secret
  • Be yourself and be patient. I had my first kiss at the age I am now (17). Don't do it with just anyone to say you did it. Wait. It's better to wait.
  • I'm 14, just started high school, and I've never kissed anyone either. I also have plenty or friends who have never kissed anyone or had any boyfriends either. It all depends on where you live and who you go to school with. You just happen to live in an area where that type of stuff is particularly popular. Everyone has their time, don't worry. You still have plenty of years left, the clock hasn't even begun to tick yet. If you ever like anyone, it's best to try to be their best friend before you think about anything else yet, just remember that. And it doesn't hurt taking a little extra care with your hair, maybe some LIGHT makeup (Not talking about foundation, blush, lipstick or eye shadow here!), not trying to sound shallow, but I've found that most guys will take an interest in the girls who clearly take a certain amount of care in their looks, and once you snag them with that, you can reel them in further with your personality. Don't be afraid to go out and talk to them, just ask yourself: "What's the worst thing that can happen?" I was so shy my whole life until the past month or so, I never had guy friends or anything because I was just so afraid of screwing up and embarrasing myself even though girls all around me (The "popular" crowd, of course.) all had guy friends, and I always thought it was because of their friends and because they were "cool", but it's not. It's because these girls weren't afraid of going out and talking to them and smiling, of going the extra mile. Even if you don't feel it, act confident and smile. Your pretty and better than them, and you should know it. That's what makes guys like you beyond anything, self confidence. =)

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