The trombone appeared after the mid-15th century, evidently as an advance on the Renaissance slide trumpet, and was possibly first produced by Flemish makers who supplied wind instruments to the court of Burgundy. The first reliable depiction of the instrument occurs. just before 1490, in Italian church painting. (
It was invented in 1450
look on wikipedia, you'll have informations, and noobs writing false ones...
In which country was the trombone originated
The trombone was invented about 500 years ago. Long ago people called the trombone sac butt; from the Italian word saca which means push and buta which means pull. It was invented in Italy that's why there are different sorts of trombones, small ones, big ones, medium ones.
i made the trombone in the early 14th century in germany
who invented the trombone and when?
who develop the trombone
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