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I've heard it's common.
Some of us get an uncontrollable urge at the moment of climax, and many women will hold back from actually achieving an orgasm because of fear of this happening. Unfortunately, there are some who go through life without climaxing during sex and end up enjoying sex much less than they could because of being worried about having an accident.
I don't think it's pee. It's a similar fluid in that it is watery. It is actually more like water than anything else and is supposed to smell kind of sweet and be clearish and not at all yellow. Look up 'G spot fluid' and you should get some better info.
Most likely you are referring to the fluid we release at orgasm or just before from our Skene's gland through our urethral opening which is not pee but does contain often a very small percentage of it. Yes is normal for many of us.
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