Absolutely. And you should take pictures, then post pictures so we can all see.
How would you look wearing jeans and a T-shirt? Of course you have to dress up, it's your sister after all.
yes dress up. Have fun!
She will be pleased I bet if you got all dressed up....this is a big moment for her.
I'm sorry to answer a question with a question, but cultural differences fascinate me. I understand quite a bit about US customs from films and television, but this is new to me. What is Senior Night - in the UK I would expect an event with that name to be for senior citizens - also, why are you walking her onto the field and why a field and not a hall or something?
"Seniors" in this context refers to students in the last year of secondary school. They are about to graduate and start jobs, apprenticeships, or university, so there are usually various special events involving them. Senior Night, depending on the school, celebrates the student athletes on a particular school team who are graduating. It's usually held at the last game of the season.
or what, undress ????
Yaah dress up!!!!! Sheesh! If she's up for a royal title you may need a suit... and if not, just wear nice slacks, dress up shirt, and a nice tie. :) Don't forget to shave, do your hair and say CHEESE!!!!! Paparazzi time! Good luck!
Of course. You shouldn't even ask. If you are a guy a suit or sportcoat or at the very least a dress shirt and tie.
Yes! A fancy skirt and nice heels
Ask her what she thinks you should wear.
would you want her to dress up if she went for you?
yes make ya self look nice
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