Yes, a nun, but it was not a ruler, it was a paddle with holes.
Twelve years of catholic school, what do you think!
Yes. My grade 5 teacher beat on my palm two times with a ruler( It was not a single ruler. 3 rulers bound together with rubber bands.She only used it for beating on our palms) telling I had not done homework as she said
when I was in 1st grade catholic school a nun tried to, but I refused to let her, and told her she would be very sorry if she did LOL
Oh yes - in primary school all the time
no never i grew up after that was abolished
So did I, unfortunately. :(
no never on the hands spankings was across the butt and usually with a paddle
Yes, when I was about 7. It was for drawing on the desk.
What did you draw on the desk, Nosmo?
Occasionally, but they stopped doing that in school when I was about 10.
No, but I wish they had.
At least you are honest about it. Lol:)
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