Remind me never to eat chili in Louisiana! Make that ever eat anything in Louisiana.
Thats disgusting. I would never do that to someone no matter how badly I wanted them to fall in love with me after all Im the one who would be kissing them afterwards. UGH!! Where did you hear that?
My ex must have done that to me then!
Thanks for the support. Reverting to my original answer. It wasn't one of my best, but what the heck. "Honey, they do a LOT of things in Louisiana!"
I have read that there are places where this is done. I have a few books that tell you exactly how to do it,when,hou much,etc. I find it a very nasty idea myself.!
But it also goes along with all the ideas that they have there about red brick dust that supposedly keeps you safe from someone that is going to harm you....some of it is interesting, but other than that, it's down right see a lot of them on The Skeleton Key
Oh! That's how you do it?... Man! No wonder why what I was trying wasn't working... That's sooooo nasty... I feel sorry for the guys who have had to eat that... Period blood is nasty... I think I'm going to throw up now... :oP
so when u making chilli
What's the point of being in love with someone once a month ?
Linda Joy
WHAT IN THE HELL?! Man people are freakin weird! I'm makin all my own food from now on.
What and do the men ejaculate into the Chilli to show that the woman has captured their attention?. No more Louisiana Chilli for me.
Menstrual blood has been assumed by most human societies back to the dawn of time to have magical properties. For most societies, blood in general and menstrual blood in particular still does. Some believe it is particularly unclean or cursed; some believe it is lucky; some believe stories like the story you've heard. Some modern practitioners of magic might rub their menstrual blood on a candle before burning the candle for whatever reason (to encourage pregnancy or ease cramps, most likely). I have not heard about adding menstrual blood to food for a love spell, but I'm sure someone somewhere has done it sometime. I wouldn't blame Louisiana. Louisiana has magical traditions closely associated with New Orleans of hoodoo, voodoo, and Voudoun. However, these practices are not limited to Louisiana. (See note on Carolina added late at the end of this answer.) Santeria, another form of syncretic religion akin to Voudoun, is found throughout the U.S. but more common in areas with high levels of Hispanic population. However, I don't offhand know whether menstrual blood has any particular use in either Voudoun or Santeria. (Syncretic: a combination of two religious traditions into one. For Voudoun, it's African Yoruba traditions combined with Catholicism. For Santeria, it's African and South American pre-Christian religions combined with Catholicism.) Aside from Santeria and Voudoun, there are a lot of recently-developed religions which may use tokens as part of their prayer ritual. Some of them might choose to use some form of blood for particular rituals. Finally, although it is not menstrual blood, keep in mind that Roman Catholics believe in "transubstantiation." Unlike Protestants, who believe that Communion wine is a symbol of the blood of Jesus, Catholic dogma asserts that Communion wine IS the blood of Jesus. So there you have a modern, common, use of blood as part of religion and prayer. Transubstantiation A modern use of menstrual blood in U.S. society is tying a used tampon to a branch to entice male deer close to hunters, to make them lusty (that is, reckless) and easier to shoot. (Apparently, some scent in human menstrual blood is similar to the scent of the blood which drips from a female deer in season.) Not only does it squick me on hygenic grounds, it seems really unfair to the deer. But it's hormonal, not "magic." Some New-Age practitioners inside the modern U.S. believe in eating the placenta after childbirth. Others make a special ceremony of burying it. This is not menstrual blood, but is similar. Menstruation is the blood that would have become a placenta if you had gotten pregnant that month. Animal mothers eat their placentas after giving birth for two reasons: to recover the nutrients in it, and to try to leave less evidence of birth which might attract predators. A non-blood spell I heard of to create love or reinforce a marriage is just planting an onion. Supposedly, the growing rings of the onion symbolize the layers of love. :) LATE EDIT: My answer above was from October 15, 2007. On March 29, 2008, I found a reference to a "voodoo curse" forcing a man to obey a woman in the book HOMICIDE by David Simon, the same book on which the TV series HOMICIDE was based. On pp. 360-362, Simon recounts an actual homicide case in Baltimore, using real names, about an African-American man who claimed his aunt forced him to marry her: "His aunt insisted on marriage during a trip back home to Carolina...'She put a voodoo curse on me and I had to do what she said.'...[H]is aunt had cooked him a meal using her own menstrual discharge and watched as he ate. Afterward, she told him what she had done and explained that she now had power over him." The author also says that the family feared the aunt because "she knew voodoo and hexes and all kinds of Carolina backwoods garbage. She could bend a man to her will, make one marry her or make one kill for her. She told them all that stuff and, after a time, they actually took to believing it." That's the only reference to this I have seen in the six months since I wrote the answer above.
I am SO glad I'm a female...and not in Louisiana.
The women in Louisiana don't have to do silly things like that to get men to fall in love with us. I've lived in Louisiana all of my life and never heard of this. The food here is better than anywhere else in the world and it's not because the chef hollered out "hey whoever's on their period bring me some blood, quick!"
1) "This belief in "love magic" did not end with shamanic brews, perfumes, ointments and tinctures. It expands into personal objects of the desired loved one ("love charms" - a lock of hair for example); some objects were more personal than others. It was once thought that if you could bring your desired love into contact with your sweat, menstrual blood, or semen, he or she would be overpowered with affection toward you. It was not uncommon for food to be laced with these substances and fed to the object of desire. " Source: 2) "The goal of hoodoo is to allow people access to supernatural forces to improve their daily lives by gaining power in many areas of life, including gambling, love, divination, cursing one's enemies, treatment of disease, employment, and necromancy. As in many other folk religious, magical, and medical practices, extensive use is made of herbs, minerals, parts of animals' bodies, an individual's possessions, and bodily fluids, especially menstrual blood, urine and semen. " Source: Body fluids in Hoodoo:
I've heard worse - putting water the woman washed with in food or scrapings from the woman's feet to cast a spell.
Ewww. That's not Kosher, and I have no association with Judeisem. (seems to me the cooking process would destroy most of the hormones, and things that might have some biochemical effect)
Pretty interesting that Voodoo, I like the part where they dance naked with the chicken and spill its blood, don't know what it is for but it is fun to watch.
I can honestly say in all the years I lived in Louisiana..I have not heard of any woman doing this.
I bet they don't do it in Louisiana. This is not a good method for making friends but if you want to singled out as bullied by the whole town, then this is the way to go.
Right...Louisiana is now NOT ON MY MAP.
That would be some nasty chili...
This is so disgusting it has to be an Urban Legend. Hey, wait... maybe that is how Britney got K-Fed.
=0 Don't do that, that puts him at risk of dangerous diseases. It is extremely unhygienic.
Thank you, for your service of making sure men and women know not to order chili, while in Louisana...or eating at all! Ha Ha
*Ahem* As nasty as this is. I myself have heard this, from a couple of elder people all women of course. One was my grandmother and she "claims" she did it in the past and put her menstrual blood in the spaghetti and the man was supposedly in love with her until he died.
Pretty standard witchcraft, don't think it's specific to louisiana or even that it started there. as to actually working, well, that'd be one's own beliefs.
What the wise old lady failed to reveal was that guy died 38 minutes after eating the spaghetti. :)
Sounds pretty twisted to me. See what happens when you let superstition dictate your actions?
umm for one its not witchcraft more like voodoo, get your facts straight.
We most assuredly do NOT do that. That is sickening. And I am positive it is untrue.
The goal of hoodoo is to allow people access to supernatural forces to improve their daily lives by gaining power in many areas of life, including gambling, love, divination, cursing one's enemies, treatment of disease, employment, and necromancy. As in many other folk religious, magical, and medical practices, extensive use is made of herbs, minerals, parts of animals' bodies, an individual's possessions, and bodily fluids, especially menstrual blood, urine and semen. Contact with ancestors or other spirits of the dead is an important practice within the conjure tradition, and the recitation of Psalms from the Bible is also considered magically effective in hoodoo. Due to hoodoo's great emphasis on an individual's magical power, its basic principles of working are easily adapted for use based on one's desires, inclination and habits.
Note to self, never court someone from Louisiana. Just in case. Edit: I'm from the south and I've never heard of this, but I will never look at chili the same way again.
No idea but that is GROSS!!!! "Honey why is there a clot in my chilli? It smells a bit off as well.." "Oh nothing its just er...a tomato"
This is the first question that actually makes me want to hurl!!!
I have heard of this, I live in the Bahamas and my friend told me that one of his friedns caught his girlfriend doing this, I thought it was gross.
Thats straight bull****. Thats probably the reason some guys don't like to eat spaghetti that a female have cooked. I've had a few guys say that to me jokingly.
If I had to resort to something like that to get a guy, I had rather do without. That is just plain nasty...I would not do something like that to my worst enemy.
Well a tribe in Africa once had a severe vitamin and mineral deficiency, and the only option to supplement these required nutrients into their diet was to lick the the "period" of the female cattle in their herd. It not only saved their lives, it increased the amount of certain hormones in the males of the tribe, that their testicles be came swollen to the size of watermelons. I think I read that in National Geographic or something but, I'm sure you can Google it.
that has to be the most discusting thing i have ever heard.
I lived in Louisiana for 20 years I can assure you I've never heard of such a thing. Plus, I think the guy would be able to taste somthing weird and the idea of the girl spiking his food may be a little bit of a turn off.
You would have to ask someone who does voodoo but i have heard of this before.. It makes me sick but to some ppl it's part of their culture.
That must be a Cajun recipe that i never heard of.
a nasty girl from Hawaii tried to profit from a finger in a bowl of chili... i knew her cousin to well... oh well, mrs. love
I met a lady who just was not right in the head. I asked her son what was wrong with her? He told me that she added her menstral blood to her lovers food and he fell madly in love with her. Over time she no longer wanted him and tried to get rid of him. He went crazy and shot himself in front of her, so she went crazy.
Wow...your the first person to make me say "ew" out loud in quite awhile.
You're right. That is sick. I'm from Louisiana and I've never heard of that. Of course, New Orleans is another world from the northern part of the state. Who knows what goes on in the hills up there. I'd be interested in hearing what other people say and if they believe that nonsense.
Dude, that is gross..
We should try that, mix it with pizza sauce and serve it!
Yes, hoodoo magic. A lot more to it than that, but yes, in both hoodoo and voodoo they use menstrual blood in love/sex spells. And hoodoo/voodoo is not confined to Louisiana, just concentrated there.
What language are you speaking? Cause it sounds like bullshit.
One of my favorite books is Like Water for Chocolate. the character's grief-stricken tears fell into the wedding cake and everybody that ate it began feeling the same way. Your version is disgusting and women don't think or act that way. only (paranoid) men would even think up something this nasty. it's how their brains work.
Maybe voodoo
Independent Fact Checkers have concluded this to be partially false. Cajun men will fall in love with anything that breathes.
Linda Joy
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