No sir, I am what they refer to as harmonically challenged.
yes. I built a recording studio for a musician 5 years later when I got into singing and kariokei he made me do a take in his studio was fun.
No I haven't, but if my dreams of becoming a singer ever come true,and I get a record deal,then yeah.
I have been to one, in 1983 ... I was just being a pack mule helping to carry instruments for my two friends who recorded an album on vinyl ... I witnessed while they played all of the various instruments and sang all the voice tracks, then the studio put it all together and cut the album. The album is called "Arms Length" by the duo known as "Bare Facts".
No, but I'd love to be a backup singer and do that some day.
Yes, several times. Hope to do more soon!
I've never been to a "professional" recording studio, but I have the whole set-up at home. I also play with friends and at parties or just walking around town.
Nope, i plan to though.
yeha i did back when i was 20 when i had a band and we only made 5
Yep, I've been put on a CD before. Not singing, just talking, introducing the next song and talking shyt on an interlude or whatever those skits are called between songs.
Well, I've been to Sun Studios in Memphis, TN, (did the big one room tour!), I played in the elementary school and jr. high school bands, and I've made plenty of cd's with my cd burner. But, I don't think that's what you were looking for! lol
I haven't but I hope to soon. I've got an interesting style, kind of love-it-or-hate-it style. Don't know if I'll make anything of it but it'll be fun doing it nonetheless.
yes i have been to many over the years and then decided to get into it and set up my own as you always spend loads of money in other peoples then realise that because the clock is ticking you dont relax and end up recording stuff that you later hear and think you need to change. Home set ups are suprisingly good quality for the price nowadays and you are at home and taking your time so much more relxed. at the end of the day, if the song is good, any half decent output of it is better than an over produced piece of pish! have fun
i used to own a recording studio. i performed on, engineered and produced cd's. it's a lot of work but i love it.
RCA, Fred Foster Studios, Liberty and several others, are studios i have recorded music, in Nashville. i was a session drummer for many years. It was an exciting time.
Yes. Being in the recording studio is my favorite thing. Right now actually, I'm in a hotel lobby, but upstair in my room, me and the film editor transformed our room into a recording studio editing suite. And let me tell you, its pretty much the coolest thing. Once I get home, I'll up date this answer with some photos. I perform live all the time. Check out some of my live recordings:
No, but if my old band had won our Batlle of the Bands, i would have done :D
I used to have a recording studio in my basement. I recorded all the time.
Yes, many times.
Yes, just recently, a form of step is to take a giant leap from a perfectly good airplane.
I have not but my husband did in the band he was in. He has told me all the stories and I still listen to the cd they made.
I play in a metal band that records in our basement. The quality is amazing and being down in the basement are some of the funnest expirences of my life. But i do think playing live beats the socks off recording.
"back in the day" we recorded on cassette. Loads of fun in a recording studio
yes! We built our own studio with our own hands, and bought the equipment and released tracks over about 4-5 years. We had a number of CDs and made it onto lots of compilation albums - worldwide! Our main format was vinyl though. 2 guys writing all tracks, arranged the pressing and distribution as well as signing tracks to other dance labels.... ...feels like a lifetime ago - now I just strum the geetar!
I've been singing for 27 years. Ouch...I'm old! I made a CD about 10 years ago...played a little on a couple of local stations. And I'm one of the music selections at the local hospital when ya get an My ex used to work there. A guy I know is in a band and has his own studio, so I've been there a couple of times with my niece. It's so kewel how you can do things with a computer now that would have been impossible years ago! The splicing is virtually undetectable. Sure wish I had been good enough to be a popular singer!
Yup. It has been a few years since my last stint. I miss it. :)
Yes, but it was just one song. I used to play solo at an Open Mike Night at a local folk/blues club in NH. I met a guy there who was a pretty talented singer and guitarist, and we became friends (I found out later, it was only because he wanted to date my sister). Anyway, he had a fairly impressive recording studio in his basement, mostly involving computers. He invited me over one day to record a song, and made me a CD of it. I still have it somewhere, although I do find it a little embarrassing to listen to.
Thanks...ur soooo sweeeet!!! :o)
Yes! It was awesome. I want a recording studio in my house.
For giving me the the vote of confidence!
In fact, just today I went to a recording studio. I am a member of a music band, and we were invited to record the anthem of our district and of our country.
I do it just for fun...It can be very expensive when you are on a tight budget, but IMO there is no better way to spend a friday night or any time for that matter.
Yes i have. Its R&B/ Pop
yea listen to my music
I used to play guitar in a band but never got that far!!!!
no but thats my dream!
Check out this new artist her name is DOMINIQUE check out her music its super hot, she's a new r&b/pop artist n she has two singles, "Get it started" which is a hot dance track and "Enough" she has a music video on youtube. I think her youtube channel is DOMOZWORLD19....Here's some links where you can find her stuff
- all three!!!
Mr PantsFellDown
That answer is shitty, and dubious, without any detail.
Yes, but John started bringing this Asian girlfriend who sang like a teapot boiling and it kind of fell apart.
Yes a demo for a choir I was in.
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