My favorite pair of blue jeans is black. And it takes me not very long, but undies can be troublesome on certain occasions.
I don't own a pair. They don't make them that small around the waist & if I go to the kids section, those are always too short
Thirty seconds or maybe less.
now that I have lost a lot of weight and bought some "skinny" jeans, it just takes a few seconds! nice to be back in jeans with fly instead of elastic waist!
About a minute, but I do need to lie down to put them on. They're tight fit skinny jeans.
About a minute,they are not real tight!
rick,about twice as long as it does to get out of them after eating a LARGE meal(Thanksgiving,Christmas,etc)
No long at all...The question should be how fast under the right circumstances can I get them off?
Few seconds. I don't wear jeans tight enough to have any difficulty with it.
About 30 seconds,they fit just right! Unless I can't find them because my 16yr old daughter wore them and they are crumpled on the floor of her room or kicked under the bed!
About half a second. They slip right up.
No problem getting them on but I wore shorts all summmer and haven't worn jeans since last spring so I'm hoping they still fit. :-(
Seconds, I like tight fitting jeans but I do not like things that are uncomfortable so I buy stretch denim.
It takes about 10 seconds. :)
It takes around 20 seconds for me, and then a few more to find my belt and put that on lol
like 30 seconds :)
I just lost weight so my favorite pair of jeans just slip on easily. I feel happy and yet sad at the same time because they aren't my favorite fit anymore.
Never. My wife wears them now and she having a hard time (28 inch waist.)
about 10 sec's, but I have a tightfit pair were I guess 1,5 minute is needed..
i'm not sure, a few senconds i assume. but since they are my favorite pair i normally waste a bit of time admireing how great they look.
well they are pretty new, but shredded to bits , normally it would only take a sec, but now it takes me longer to put on the tights I wear under them to preserve them lol
about 5 seconds there quit bagey o'neil jeans
Just seconds I guess. They fit very easy.
14.5 seconds.
Not much time. I have baggy pants, so it doesn't take me long.
My favorite pair of jeans? Haha, I CAN'T fit into them :(
About 3 minutes, not counting the time to walk into the closet and find them
about 40 seconds and there skinny jeans. =) hehe
About a minute or two, they take forever to button up, though.
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