• and why would you wanna do that?? if you are still living with him ?? is he the type of guy that wont pay for his child if so then you need to get rid love
  • You probably can, but why would you file childsupport on him if your living with him? If you want to file childsupport, seperate yourself from him to avoid any kind of confusion.
  • No. If the father resides with you and the child, then they are assumed to be supporting the child and child support cannot be ordered. If this guy isn't helping you out with the kids, leave his butt. Then you CAN get child support.
  • No. If the father resides with you and the child, then they are assumed to be supporting the child and child support cannot be ordered. If this guy isn't helping you out with the kids, leave his butt. Then you CAN get child support.
  • Yes you can at least in wyoming. I have done that. I was not living with him when they were born but when they were six months old he moved back in with us. I collect child support every month.
  • you can try

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